Barilkosphere - your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to somehow get from the left of the picture to the right.This task has already proved very difficult for some of the finest minds in the league. And also Ron Wilson. This post will self destruct in ten seconds....
- This morning, we start with Dr Steve - in defence of Big Brian and Ronnie W and also keeping a close eye on developments at the United Centre.
- Toronto Sports Media wrote up their response to the question of how best to fix the 2009/10 Leafs. And then they lost to Carolina. Ho Hum. In addition, a round up of the radio and print media pieces from yesterday.
- Maple Leaf Hot Stove weighs in with the need to provide a suitable supporting cast for Kessel - along with an appreciation of the kids down on the farm.
- On the subject of which....a four game losing streak snapped by a 7 - 1 game over the Lake Erie Monsters, with all the Christian Hanson hat trick goodness you can take in one sitting.
- Hard to believe, I know - but there's been another leak at a major Leaf brains trust session. Pal Hall Pall spies were on hand to transcribe a meeting twix Brian and Ron. And Phil and Tim.
- Sticking with the meeting tip, the busy Mr Burke headed over to London to watch the Nazdaq in action - as covered by Norman James Sports.
- It's not just professional industry standard videos over at Bloge Salming, you know. It's childhood perversions too.
- More of your favourite and mine in the form of Vintage Leafs - this time featuring Ron Ellis showing where Erik Cole gets his moves from.
- Popping into two blogs on the same line? Well....space and deadlines are tight these days and that picture took me a lot longer than it should have. Leafs Fan Forever and Raking Leafs are displeased.
- Nearly forgot Jared. Sorry, Jared. But drinking isn't going to get those picks back.
- Any spare sympathy you have going might be best directed at Scott Niedermayer. When was the last time you performed an act of charity at work that turned into a mini-riot? At which point, the plot thickens....
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