So I was working on something to write here and it snowballed into a full fledged post that I'll put up in a little bit. Enjoy the links in the mean time.

BoC Quest for the Cup: Chapter 3

More comic genius from the Battle of California

Habs are getting drastically out chanced.

Behind the Net with the figures of luck.

Why do the 2011-2012 Maple Leafs look worse than the team forecasted for this year?

I hope he's wrong here.

Crosby says no to Team Canada

I don't blame him. The WCs are a Mickey Mouse tournament.

Feels like '93

Gag me with a spoon.

LOLuongo questions his own captaincy

Joins thousands of hockey fans in doing so.

Blackhawks v. Sharks by the numbers

Forklift brings you the hard hitting numbers of this epic matchup.

The 2010 Alternative NHL Awards

On the Forecheck brings you the awards for most penalties of one type.

Prospect Season in Review

MLHS gives a recap of Ryan, Reimer, and Champagne

Both conference finals to start Sunday

Yep, instead of alternating them night by night, the NHL in its infinite wisdom decided to start them both on Sunday. Morons.

Don Cherry willing to invest in a Winnipeg franchise

His Ottawa restaurant must be doing good if he's got extra cash laying around.

Doug Gilmour plugs Head and Shoulders

LD with some Youtube Yoinkage