Every now and then, when it's been a while since I've seen a hockey game, and longer since I hit the ice, I end up seeing something that makes me feel like I've gotta drop everything and get back out there right now. It's close to an offseason tradition at this point. The past few years, it's been a 30 for 30 documentary, or re-watching HBO 24/7 This year, it was when this great montage got linked around again:

35 days.


How DownGoesBrown would fix the NHL
Step one: remove the trapezoid.

How We'd Keep It the Same: 15 Things That Should Never Change in the NHL
The best ideas that made it into the bigs.

How Bad Have The Oilers Been At Even Strength? - The Copper & Blue
Low Fenwick: Still bad for two teams that want to be good.

Catch up on the 25 under 25 series if you haven't, and feel free to talk among yourselves in the comments.