Take your morning from "drab" to "jacked up" by checking out this Phil Kessel video, care of @PhillyCheese81 (and/or @HadenFranke):

And then follow it up with this Grabbo video (but stop at the 3:40 mark to maintain happy feelings.):

Oh man I miss that hockey. Here're your links:

Vintage Leaf Memories - Michael Langlois: Bernier wants to be "number-one"— and he will be…so set Reimer free.
VLM thinks Bernier is destined to wear the Leafs' starter, so the Leafs should let Reimer be a number one elsewhere.

OHL Prospects: 30 Teams in 30 Days - Toronto Maple Leafs
OHLProspects.com reviews Leafs' prospect-seasons in the OHL. Keep an eye out for our own 25 under 25 to kick off today.

Calgary Flames, National Hockey League of Nations
The Puck Daddy series continues.

On Gustavsson's 'Rebound' Potential - Kukla's Korner