With the Leafs officially eliminated from the playoffs, I'd call tonight a success if none of our prospects get killed by the always classy Philadelphia Flyers. I would also consider it a success if someone in the TSN booth pulls a Jack Edwards and begins laughing maniacally.

I'd be absolutely delighted if the Leafs came out and absolutely hammered the Flyers. I think we all remember Tucker's hit on Kapanen in 04, Potvin punching Hextall in his bald head, and Tie Domi letting Philly fans know the glass in the penalty box is there to keep him away from them, not the other way around.

In a somewhat stomach churning move, Tomas Kaberle is ready to come back tonight to defend against Jeff Cart- nevermind. I'm accepting bets on how badly he gets injured tonight. Send me an email if you want to lay down some serious dollars.

This is probably a stupid move. There are only six games left in the season but maybe Kaberle is trying to show the younger guys that you come back and play the whole season no matter what. Maybe this stunt will increase his draft day trade value. We could speculate all day.

Previous Matchups:

What it comes down to is this; as much as I want the Leafs to get a higher draft pick I absolutely hate every single team they play for the rest of the year. Leafs fans might not be able to celebrate a playoff spot, but I want to be able to celebrate two wins against a team that reads "Bobby Clarke's Board Your Way to Success" every morning before the pre-game skate. Get it done Leafs.

Do you wish the Flyers would meet their demise in some sort of accidental chemical factory explosion?

Yes, and I work in a chemical factory and have arranged for the Flyers to visit (I'm a real fan).15
Nah. Wait, did you say "The Flyers?" Yes.46