First off, apologies for the delay in drawing the winners for the Five Reasons You Love Hockey Contest but they've all been notified and will hopefully have a better chance of getting their great gear than Godd Till did. Second, if you haven't read all 25 entries then I suggest you do so as soon as possible. They tell a tale of how some came to love the game and it's really interesting to see where the reasons overlap.

Among the most commonly cited reasons was playoff hockey and I think this first round has run the gamut of examples of why it's such a great time of the year. I e-mailed the winners so please check it and let me know that you got it. Thanks to everyone that participated in what turned out to be a great exercise. Thank God I decided not to make it judged because there's a lot of great writing in there.

Anyway, without further ado, the winners:

  1. Fleet Fox - The Pucking Hilarious t-shirt
  2. Loser Domi - The Doug Gilmour bobblehead to join her Eric Lindros bobblehead
  3. Plea From A Cat Named Felix - The Wendel Clark moustache