Things are wild and crazy in blurratopia. Little bubba has the bacon-itis (aka H1N1, or swine flu) and the wife and I have spent the better part of the evening disinfecting our entire household in what I'm fairly certain will prove to be a futile exercise. Still, the links call, and I heed their call.
Quite frankly, after the wild and crazy thoughts floating around in the Barilkosphere, my brain looks kind of like this:
blurr's brain can't process foolish logic (via
- When we lost 4 games, they said "worry" and TSM said "no." When 5 games had been lost, they said "worry" and TSM said "no." Six games and seven, they repeated their chant and TSM stood fast. Game eight could be another loss, and TSM will still say no. Unless they come out flat...
- The Hungry Leafs Fan has the full story on the day the colour barrier of the NHL was broken in 1948, a full ten years before the league recognizes it.
- Posted here yesterday was a link to some conjecture that Ron Wilson may not like tough teams, the kind that Brian Burke, his boss, builds. Leafs247 indirectly refutes this with a post about the coaches insatiable lust for blood. They've also got their own all 1990s team selected, do you?
- The Vintage Leafs have me singing this song with their latest batch of blasts from the past.
- Truculence is Everything has a reminder of who we cheer for, and why. In my old age, sometimes I need a reminder...
- If it's not the cup, it's the draft. That's the idea put forth by the Illegal Curve, who seems to think the Leaf fans will have nothing to look forward to this year thanks to a lack of picks or potential. Good thing the season doesn't end on game 7.
- According to this article on TO Sports, Phil Kessel is not 42.
- The Hockey News' Adam Proteau proves he doesn't read PPP with his latest article on how the losses are driving fans mad. Not that this assertion proves he doesn't read here, it's his assumption that his option A has not been debated, because it has.
- Loser Domi is not ready for her close up.
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