I'm going to break my rule about linking to Eklund. KingsCast at HFBoards broke this story, I'm passing it on to you.

Eklund posted today (screenshot for posterity):


Here's a link to a .pdf of Eklund's page, in case his site mysteriously changes soon. His unnammed LA source is actually Kings beat writer Rich Hammond, who wrote:

"The names? Anaheim's Mathieu Schneider is one the Kings are seriously considering. Other names under consideration would be San Jose's Kyle McLaren, Florida's Karlis Skrastins, Nashville's Greg de Vries, St. Louis' Jay McKee and Pittsburgh's Darryl Sydor. There's one more name out there that might surface as a real option in the next couple days, but as always these talks are pretty fluid."

In the comments on Hammond's blog, the following exchange took place:

gary said:

Congrats on being a hockeybuzz source!!!!
[eklund link]
hahaha... sold your soul to the devil did ya Rich?

Rich Hammond said:

Wow, you've got to be kidding me. That's just completely shameless on his part.

To summarize, Eklund would rather type "an LA source" than "Rich Hammond" and would rather plagiarise another hockey writer than toss someone a link. You can read what other people wrote for only $10 a month over at Hockeybuzz.com!


Eklund offered an explanation for why the post disappeared in the middle of the night:

I was obviously largely offline from around 5pm on, as a very serious family situation kept me from even seeing the error until a few minutes ago.

Unfortunately Kukla isn't buying it:

Hmmm, but it must have not been too serious, since he was at HF Boards at 6:30pm last night (catch the link early, the time/date will change on his next visit).

Now with image!


Thanks to colonel_korn for the tip.