I saw this link come across Deadspin last night:
Doctors at Hennepin County Medical Center say Benilde-St. Margaret’s sophomore Jack Jablonski has a severed spinal cord – the result of an accidental check from behind that sent him into the boards and down to the ice during a hockey game Friday in St. Louis Park.
We're a hockey blog. All of us watch hockey and are thankful for players who sacrifice a lot to entertain us, some of us play hockey and skate despite knowing the risks out there.
Jack Jablonski may never walk again, and as a hockey community it'd be a nice gesture if we donated money to him and his family for medical bills and family expenses. The hospital he's at set up a donation page that's available right here. (Edit: link removed, see comments).
Once you've done that, if you have a twitter account help spread the word and tweet:
I donated to Jack Jablonski at (link removed) #donatetojack
I don't know him, but I'm sure he'll appreciate it.