I can attest to the fact that there are actually people dancing in the streets right now, as the Toronto Maple Leafs have defeated Montreal 2-0.

Seriously, dancing in the streets. For their first win. Enjoy it while it lasts. - Kukla's Corner

All of you dumb assholes should stop dancing in the streets and enjoying wins. It's ridiculous to celebrate something that makes you happy.

Instead follow the lead of the ever stoic Montrealer who celebrates only when it's appropriate and also when they win a first round playoff series and burn cop cars.

Not a good game for the Habs, in a variety of ways. Price looked good. Raphael Diaz is going to be a solid player. But otherwise, a lacklustre effort for most of the game.

This variety of ways is pretty simple. Reimer was excellent and Price was Toskalian. Toronto's penalty kill outscored Montreal's power play.

Raphael Diaz wasn't among the top ten "going to be solid" players who play defense in the NHL in the building tonight and I take issue with "lacklustre effort". It's the first game of the season. If you're not ready to skate it's not because you don't have any legs. It's not because you aren't excited. It's because you got outplayed.

Teams getting outplayed look like they're not trying because they can't do anything.

As a fan, I’d be frustrated, or angry, but it’s game one. And as I always say, I’d much rather lose the first game than the last one.

Frustrated or angry over a hockey game? I thought the proper behavior was to say "Good game" and shake the nearest opposing fan's hand exactly once before walking home as stoically as possible.

The Leafs took their home opener 2-0 and that's a ton better than pretending to be a contender and getting smoked by a team you think won't sniff the playoffs. Toronto fans danced in the streets and planned the parade and blah blah blah. We'd rather dance than hide our jerseys at the bar because our team lost or burn a cop car because we won a first round playoff series.

Montreal sucks. Ottawa's next.