1. Trying to separate an opponent's head from their body = 1 game
  2. Trying it again = 1 game
  3. Biting an opponent = 2 games
  4. Breaking an opponent's hand, nose, and giving him a concussion = 3 games
  5. Barely touching a referee and doing no worse than what happens any time a fight is broken up = 3 games

courtesy the brilliant Scarlett Ice

So let's hope that Grabovski throws an elbow to the younger Kostitsyn's head on February 7th rather than try to fight him like a man so he won't pick up a 10 game suspension.


Here's a little mystery: Who on the Habs picked up the abuse of officials penalty?

From the NHL Rulebook:

40.3 Bench Minor Penalty

- A bench minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct shall be assessed under this rule for the following infractions:

(i) Any Coach or non-playing person who bangs the boards with a stick or other object at any time, showing disrespect for an official’s decision. If this is done in order to get the attention of the on-ice officials for a legitimate reason (i.e. serious injury, illness, etc.), then discretion must be exercised by the Referees.

(ii) Any unidentifiable player or goalkeeper, or any Coach or nonplaying person who uses obscene, profane or abusive language or gesture directed at an on or off-ice official or uses the name of any official coupled with any vociferous remarks. (see also 40.5 (ii)

(iii) Any player, goalkeeper, Coach, or non-playing person interferes in any manner with any game official including the Referees, Linesmen, Game or Penalty Timekeepers or Goal Judges in the performance of their duties.

So that explains why the Habs faced no further discipline. As for Grabovski, he did the following so it was an automatic suspension:

41.4 Automatic Suspension – Category III

- Any player or goalkeeper who, by his actions, physically demeans an official or physically threatens an official by (but not limited to) throwing a stick or any other piece of equipment or object at or in the general direction of an official, shooting the puck at or in the general direction of an official, spitting at or in the general direction of an official, or who deliberately applies physical force to an official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an official during or immediately following an altercation shall be suspended for not less than three (3) games.

The emphasis is mine because having seen that play out during countless fights I wonder why this penalty isn't invoked more often when players use much more force to try to extricate themselves from the evil clutches of linesmen?

As for why the Leafs' didn't appeal? Well, it's for the same reason you didn't ask your professor to re-grade a paper to rectify an unfair mark: it could get worse. The League reserves the right to increase any suspension so better to keep your mouth shut, take your medicine, and roam the Rue St. Catherine looking for revenge.