Big day here at PPP Amalgamated Heavy Industries Incorporated as you can tell from the picture above. Among the many updates that have launched today we'll now get to use pictures from the Associated Press without fear of getting sued. If you click on 'more photos' you'll get directed to a related photo gallery.

Among the other changes that you'll see:

Player Pages

The format has changed (if you guys ever bothered to look there before which apparently no one did hence the change) from bland to grand. Here's Our Luke and Saviour's page. It aggregates all of the posts tagged with his name from across the SBN megaverse along with any relevant FanShots and FanPosts. Included is a scouting report (apparently some of these are pretty funny so consider yourselves warned) and a transaction/injury history. You can also get an RSS feed of that page. That was put in place just for Wrap.

Team Pages

Here's the Leafs' page and as you can see it's got all of the stories, fanposts, and fanshots aggregated as well as the schedule, roster, stats, standings, injuries, last game and next game.

Event Pages

These are the pages for each individual game. When you see the score widget if you click 'complete coverage' that is the page you will be taken to see. Practice with this one:

There you'll see everything that was written or posted about a particular game from both sites. It also has that day's scoreboard so you can check out the other games.

What About Us?

Basically, all that this means for you guys is that you get to visit a much better site. Hopefully you'll enjoy this latest round of upgrades. One thing that this does allow is for anything that you guys write or post to be seen by a lot more eyeballs. In order to ensure that everyone gets the most out of these pages there are three important things that we all have to do with regard to tagging posts.

Apparently Photoshop isn't one of the upgrades....

  1. If the fanpost/fanshot/post you are writing is directly related to a game, whether it's a picture that you took, a quotation from Ron Wilson berating a player, or your thoughts on the game, click 'attach event'. Once you get in there you'll see the list of all of the games divided into upcoming and completed. Select the appropriate game.
  2. If you are tagging a post with a team's name then type it into the 'Teams' section and not the 'tags' line at the top.
  3. Same with players' names. There is auto-complete on the names in case you aren't sure how to spell it properly. It's important that you do it this way and not in the 'tags' line because that ensures that everything gets linked to the appropriate page.

The 'tags' line can be used for past players, management, and humour but it's important that the teams and current players be tagged properly. Thanks for your help on this one.

Anyway, the platform is ever evolving (for the better we hope!) and the tech team is ridiculously good but if you encounter any bugs or issues fire an e-mail off to with as much detail as possible including your browser so they can fix it ASAP.