Leafs fan @shell871 (even though she needs to abide by the 1 team rule and get rid of that horrid Penguins picture)(aka Leafer87, seriously girl. One team.), found this amusing picture from Leafs practice and thought it'd make a great pic for a caption contest. We here at PPP agree with her assessment.


Winner gets the respect, praise, and swagger of being the winner (the one whose caption receives the most rec's, Zig's, Chaim's, etc...).

Everyone else is a loser. Have at it!

If you find a Leafs image you think would make for a great caption contest challenge, send me a tweet with the hashtag #PPPCCC. (Keep the pictures PG please. No Jiri NSFW Tlusty dick pics will be accepted.) Each week we'll have another one on an off-night for the Leafs.