There are limited reports of the comments not loading after the URL change. If this is a new thing for you – as in you could see them before – try clearing your browser cache: https://kb.iu.edu/d/ahic
If the problem persists, use the contact form and be sure to provide your user name on the site.
Report things here that aren't working as expected or errors you've encountered.
Please provide enough information that we can help you! Tell us exactly what you were trying to do, what you expected and what actually happened. People are notoriously bad about this, and they rarely provide the full context needed, so an example:
"I was on the About page and the comments weren't showing." is good.
"There's no comments sometimes." is not good.
(There are no comments on site informational pages like About.)
Please check the FAQ and the detailed posts on commenting and subscribing first:
If you're still having trouble, comment here. If you need to discuss a payment problem via email, go here:
Remember: there are not dozens of people standing by to help. But we'll get to you ASAP.