Not much on the Leafs front again today, but still plenty of news around the league. Tampa came out firing on all cylinders last night, opening a three goal lead on the Bruins and never looking back. Gonna be tough to win four against the Lightening considering the play of Dwayne Roloson at the moment. Check out this morning's links after the jump, including a really good read on some of the league's struggling franchises from the New York Times.

Sunday links:

Struggling franchises plot their next moves in an uncertain climate

Good read from the NYT

Joe Thornton leading the charge

Fear the Fin examines how the Sharks' top line is overcoming years of criticism

One of Thornton or Luongo has the opportunity to become the next John Elway

On why one of these two under-achievers could finally silence the critics, much like a former Denver QB

Seven of the greatest playoff series of all time has with a  good discussion starter