Eighteen months ago the Barilkosphere was rocked by the news that media watchdogs Godd Till and Kim Jorn would be riding off into the sunset. It is always painful to watch someone leave the game at the acme of their skills. Fans of the site rued the impunity with which the mittenstringers in Toronto paraded free of the fear of being the victim of a vituperative and acidic dismantling at the hands of the Peterborough duo. Where once we had a pair of writers who, when on song, could right any literary wrong the Barilkosphere turned it's lonely eyes to...no one.

There was a sadly aborted return that did nothing more than whet the appetites of their readers. The occasional backslide at their ancestral home was just a tease as the clamouring for their return increased. Despite numerous approaches during various transfer windows a proper transfer fee was not agreed upon even after a reported meeting in Vancouver during the Olympics between myself, Till, and super-agent Pini Zahavi. However, after months of pursuit, Real Life FC has finally accepted that it is time to let Godd Till and Kim Jorn move on to their next challenge: blogging here.

With the addition of the minds behind Cox Bloc I think I can safely say "above us only sky". While Godd and Kim will still occasionally play Freebird (shred mittenstringers) they'll be bringing their special ability to all aspects of Leafs' coverage on a rigid schedule (whenever they feel like it). Their first post is already in the can and will be running this afternoon. I think that will do more to excite you about their return.