Update II: If you're coming over from Alec Brownscombe's blog, welcome. Poke around and if you like what you see sign up and join the community.

JP passed along a link that a Swedish reader of his sent him but according to Sportbladet the Leafs have signed Josef "Bom-Bom" Boumedienne to a contract. Online translators suck so I have no idea about details but he spent last season with the Hershey Bears and picked up 42 points in 52 games. He was apparently considering some other offers from clubs in Europe but his first goal was always to return to the NHL. With a nickname like Bom-Bom I think we can safely say that he'll play the kind of game that the Leafs are trying to instill in the team. Or we're the victims of a mean trick.

I have checked with the major sites (including that site) and it looks like this will be our first scoop. Pretty cool...as long as Sportsbladet isn't screwing with me because I lived in Denmark for six months. Anyway, I'm trying to get some reaction from Caps' bloggers but there you go, you read it here first.

Update: For more information on Bom-Bom check out Japers' Rink's archives. JP also nice passed along this profile from Caps' Corner which included a nugget of info that will pique your curiousity and level any expectations at the same time:

At the time of his acquisition, Boumedienne was a minor-league regular with offensive ability and some upside to his game, who had long been buried on the depth charts of stacked New Jersey and Ottawa organizations. Mobile and a strong skater, Boumedienne has a heavy and accurate slapshot from the point, above average on-ice vision and a fair breakout pass. Despite his obvious offensive talent, Boumedienne can also play a physical two-way game and will not shirk his defensive assignments.

In North America, Boumedienne also faced criticism for his work ethic, inconsistency, and attitude. He gave up the puck at inopportune moments and took ill-advised penalties. Reportedly, Bouemedienne matured while playing in Europe.