So Phil Kessel will go to the All-Star game instead of Mikhail Grabovski, which is whack, but at least we have a player representing the Leafs. Being that this is a mediocre team (at best), it's hard to get too worked up about it. Dave Shoalts has a couple of articles today about the shape of the Leafs going into the break. Naturally, it's a bleak picture he paints:

A look around the names on the dressing room stalls in the Leafs practice rink on Wednesday showed there were too many in the same boat as Gustavsson – not living up to expectations.

The list of those who exceeded expectations so far is short, indeed: The line of Mikhail Grabovski, Nikolai Kulemin and Clarke MacArthur and defenceman Luke Schenn. That is about it among 24 players.

Um, James Reimer?

Leaf Links:

Gustavsson would consider conditioning stint
Well, we remember that a player always has to approve of being sent down, so that explains the title. That said, it also makes me wonder once again about the conditions under which a conditioning stint wouldn't be perceived as waiver avoidance by the league.

Leafs Fan Forever: Time for change?
Oh, probably.

1/26: Marlies This Week
MLHS has a few tidbits on the youngins.

Other Hockey Links:

Group to probe $400M Quebec arena cost
Municipal committee to determine whether $400-million price tag is accurate. Yeah, hockey rinks cost a lot of money. Just ask the City of Glendale.

Skinner, Stastny added to NHL all-star game roster
So NHL’s youngest player gets nod to play in front of home fans in Carolina. Cool.

Current, former NHL players lose more than $13-million in resort deal
Shoalts and Duhatschek team up to explain how.

Glendale bond issue fails; what's next for Coyotes?
If you're like me, you've given up trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Suffice it to say that it's not good.

Wednesday's Three Stars
From Puck Daddy.

Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr: who wins five on five?
Neither. The tear in the fabric of the universe necessary to have these two play at the same time blasts wide open, obliterating life as we know it.

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