I guess it should be the Vancouver Canucks' victory over the Boston Bruins last night. Unfortunately for me, I had to work, and only got to check the score towards the end of the second when it was 2-1 Boston. Bummer.

The truth is though, most of us here are much more interested in debating what Burke is going to do with our three top picks at or around the draft, or what he's going to do with our cap space come free agency season. With that in mind, the article I'm featuring above the jump today is by Jon S, over at Puckin' Eh, with a bit of history on draft day deals for picks:

On day two of the Draft Combine Brian Burke has reiterated his intention to bundle a first round pick with the Leafs second round pick (39th overall) to move up in the draft. Recent history shows that this only moves you so far and odds are still leaves the Leafs drafting in the bottom third of first round, not the teens. The best example of what Burke would like to pull off probably comes from the 2009 draft deal between Columbus and the New York Islanders.

More after the jump.

Several NHL Teams Suspect The Rangers "Massaged" NHL System to Steal Erixon from the Flames
Article at Matchsticks and Gasoline (written by Mitch Smith). I haven't followed this story, and can't comment on the validity (or lack thereof) of these claims.

Video: Canucks’ Alex Burrows makes the Bruins taste defeat
Wyshynski has links to highlights and a recap of last night's game.

Leafs hunting big names but also need a Malhotra-type
IMO, diamond-in-the-rough UFA's are something of a specialty of Burke's, so hopefully we'll get lucky.

True North meets ‘Drive to 13′ NHL season ticket goal
Winnipeg sells out in the first few hours of publicly accessible tickets. Story from Sean Leahy at PD. As per their Drive To 13 website, they had to cap the waiting list at 8,000.

To Laich Or Not To Laich? " Maple Leafs Hot Stove

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