So yesterday was a rather slow day at work, so I got to know the guy who sits next to me better.  We discussed our software, the limits of doing things in 3D, and then started reminiscing about old versions of AutoCAD... which somehow led to the video games we used to play when we were younger.  He's quite a bit older than me (probably about 15 years) so naturally his knowledge was much more extensive than mine, and I loved it.  He informed me of places to get my old shareware games so that I can play them again.  Why?  Because most games that come out nowadays suck on the PC, or are far too involved for me to bother with.  So, when I got home (well, after taking the dog for a walk, getting a beer and watching the Pens/Caps game), I came online and downloaded DOXBox, and started looking for shareware versions of these games.  First up was Scorched Earth, an extremely basic game where you are a tank and have to shoot and destroy another tank.  Between rounds you can buy extra weapons and protection.  The best part of this was how you can play up to 10 people in the same game.  I used to do that a lot with my best friend back when I was thirteen, and his sister.  Good times.

It's a pretty slow day in the Barilkosphere, with most people seeing the writing on the wall re: playoffs (emphasis on most) and no first round draft pick to debate over who we should draft with it, I guess there's not much left to say.  What little I could dig up is after the jump.