
Total 131 Posts

Leafs at Sabres: Period One

I guess Wrap is at work so here's a game thread...

Leafs 2 - Flyers 2: Overtime and Post Game

Holy Crap I love Versteeg.  What amazing puck control.  I can't wait to see what he does in the regular season.  I was also very impressed by Reimer, and I liked what I saw from Caputi again tonight.  Kadri started to pick it up... when he was given

Leafs 1 Flyers 2: Period 3

Well it seems like it's been a weird game... but I like how Caputi looks. Goal for the Leafs scored by McKegg. Continue discussion below.

Rant n Roar

Today sees the homecoming game, as it were, for Kadri in London Ontario.  For inspiration for this GDT, I googled the City of London's official website, and discovered that London appears to be just as boring as I've always assumed.  So instead, in honour of Jared&

"Just" Preseason?

So I had a debate with my husband last night. I rushed home, ran instead of walked my puppy, and didn't eat until late so that I could watch the Leafs 2nd preseason game. On the other hand, he made dinner during the first period of the Canucks

Where'd Friedman go?

So I've been trying really hard to catch up on the hockey news that happened, especially this whole Pat Burns fake death report fiasco.  Which is really hard to catch up on because it happened on twitter and, well, twitter ain't the best place for grouping

Hello, my name is Edie

Hello everyone!  It's been quite the weekend trying to catch up on what I missed this past week here on PPP.  You see, my hotel thought that charging $13.99 for wireless internet per day was a reasonable request. So I actually went a week without more than

Beware the Overlords

So Chemmy and PPP are pretty cool, right? They wield their Barilkosphere power in clever, responsible and entertaining ways. PPP gets his nose broken trying to defend women from soccer hooligans and Chemmy starts amazing campaigns like #ThrowTheSnake. But what happens when our Overlords combine their power to roast an

Adventures of a Vancouverite

So my night last night was relatively pleasant.  Around 4:30 pm I started getting hungry, as we'd done our traditional Stat Holiday sleep in and have brunch at 10:30 am thing, so it was time for me to eat.  It rained the entire day (actually rare

Happy Funnel Cake Day!

Ah, Labour Day.  The last day of freedom before school starts for any of you youngsters out there (and masters students).  Once you enter the workforce, Labour Day is just another stat holiday, making it awesome.  For me, I go to the Fair on Labour Day.  The last day of

Yay September!

Thank goodness it's September with training camp and the pre-season right around the corner. I can't take any more cap, SPC, or roster speculation. I am going so insane with the lack of any hockey to watch (although thank you TSN for re-playing so many Olympic

PPP Limericks!

I was inspired by the NHL11 post yesterday and the punishment for the four disappointing tournament players, so I thought I'd write my own PPP limerick for today's FTB: After the lockout I moved to the west Where people think the Canucks are the best. Despite

Lessons in Canadian TV

Every time I look at the masthead on this site, I realize I'm one of the few Canadians listed on it, which is an interesting statement about Leaf fans in itself.  I like to think I can bring some needed Canadian Content to the site.  And what'

Reasonable Expectations

I'm a big fan of Behind the Net (despite my complaints about stats) and this week he's had a couple of interesting Leaf posts.  First there was this post about how Beauchemin thinking the Leafs had one of the best records to finish the season last

I love this place

This weekend I was away so I was mostly unable to stay up with the events on PPP, but I sure tried my hardest.  In between visiting family, wherever I could grab 5, 10 minutes to come on and get caught up on our own interesting ethical dilemma, I did.

Burke and his coaches

I'm not feeling so hot tonight so this will be short and sweet: why do you think Brian Burke has never fired a coach?  Frankly, I find this baffling - to have been working as a GM for so long in the NHL, yet never having fired a

Game On!

Tonight at 8pm EST the PPP NHL10 Tournament is on. Up for grabs is a free copy of NHL11. Surprisingly, in the sign-up threads Chemmy, Skinnyfish and puckurgently all admitted that they suck. So this'll be the one and only time you can probably freely beat up on

Welcome Jerry!

I would like to officially congratulate Jerry D'Amigo on signing his ELC, and welcome him to Toronto.  Jerry, if end up being the type of player that so many Leaf fans hope you can become, welcome to the kind of adoration that you can rarely find anywhere else.

Should Ballard be on Mount Puckmore?

There was one name in Leafs lore that popped into my head last night which noone has yet mentioned as a possible candidate for Mount Puckmore: Harold Ballard (my inspiration was the revelation on twitter that Jeff Marek literally dug Ballard's grave). Now I know we want Mount

All Zelda, All weekend

It rained all weekend here in Vancouver, the first rain we've had in at least a month.  It was needed, there have been an incredible number of forest fires around the province, and downtown Vancouver was full of smoke last week.  But it was a summer weekend with

I'm Sleeping Right now

Well not literally right now as I write this, but whenever you're reading it.  I'm exhausted, I've been staying up way too late playing Zelda on my N64 and had an incredibly busy day yesterday (stupid busy day coinciding with Mt. Puckmore post :() so

Would you like fries with that?

For today's FTB, I have few words. Yesterday, details about the Winter Classic was released, along with the jerseys. Quite quickly, twitter was full of McDonald's jokes regarding the Flames' jerseys. Honestly, I think these are even worse than the Habs' barber shop jerseys

Too much sun

So for our long weekend, we took off to Harrison Hot Springs. It's a cute lakeside town about an hour and a bit from our place with super nice sandy beaches, a couple of decent hotels, and uh... that's about it.  There's only one

For the Americans

Since today is a long weekend up in Canada (WOOOO CIVIC HOLIDAY!) I'm gonna assume that the Canadians are away and this post will only be read by Americans.  So here are some guns, fireworks, grits and bombs.  And here are some links: * Defensive Contribution DoctorMyBrainHurts takes a

No tickets for me

So did anyone from PPP here get some of those Fan First tickets yesterday?  There were some awesome pictures on twitter from Leafspace Monika, Chansler and a few others of the crowds forming at each location where tickets were being handed out.  If I still lived in Toronto I would&
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