Jason Orach

Total 936 Posts

FTB - Let It All Out

This morning's Leafs news: * Apparently the Leafs don't understand the rules, Frogren's contract rejected by the NHL. * Steve over at HockeyAnalysis gives a more in depth look at the Frogren contract snafu. * Puck Daddy has a "wacky thought", what if Mats Sundin

FTB - The Monday After A Long Weekend

The summer is always really fun, until you end up on the wrong side of Canada Day/July 4th and realize your next holiday isn't for months and that it's going to be 30C and 105% humid out until October. What better way to cool yourself

FTB - July 4th Independence Day Spectacular and Obligatory Link-o-rama!

It's July 4th in America which means your favorite new writer on the site (no not Greener) will be emulating his heros in the US Army as he gets drunk and blows things up with reckless abandon, endangering nearby civilians all in the pursuit of some unknowable goal.

Perhaps Fletcher isn't the genius we thought he was

***WELCOME TO LEAFS CHAT*** SilverFox:We're prepared to offer you a four year contract. TheBird:A four year contract? For how much money? I made $450k last year so I'm looking for a big raise. I'm thinking $3,750,000 would do it. SilverFox:

FTB - UFA Day, A Day So Important In Canada It Has Its Own Holiday

Three years ago, while in college in Boston, my roommates and I decided to go out and pick up some supplies to celebrate Canada Day. We walked down to the packie (LCBO) and grabbed two cases (a two four) of Molson Canadian, a bottle of Canadian Club whisky, and a

FTB - There's Lots of News Today

Forget what the infidels have told you, there was tons of Leafs related news yesterday! For example: * Sean thinks the Leafs should tread carefully with McCabe. * loser domi invents the worst computer game ever; World of Raycroft. * Honestly there's tons of news this morning I'd link

FTB - Don't Get Injured on the Leafs or You'll Lose Your Job

I've been staring at the screen for a while thinking of what to write here, but a lot of stuff doesn't make sense to me. In the case of Kyle Wellwood, why bother waiving an RFA? The only way that's a good move is

Raycroft Waived (Na na naaa na hey hey hey goodbye)

Andrew Raycroft, seen here doing the only thing he's good at (staring incredulously at pucks in the net), was waived by the Leafs today. Let's all join hands, look up at the sky and say "thank you God, or Cliff, or the spirit of Conn

FTB - Hopefully Mirtle's Right

"Just when I think you couldn't be any stupider, you go out and do something like that... and totally redeem yourself." * Mirtle has a good write up about why he thinks the Mayers move is a solid one. Plus he reveals Mayers' nickname: "GQ&

Draft Retrospective - How'd we do?

The draft just wrapped up in the City That Fun Forgot, so now it's time to start the conversation we'll be having for the next four months; how well did the Leafs do? Here's what we got: Luke Schenn, Jimmy Hayes, Mikhail Stefanovich, Jamal

FTB - Could I Trouble You For Some Draft Coverage?

Ladies and Gentlemen, (and of course by "ladies and gentlemen" I mean loser domi and the rest of you uncultured swine), something big happened at the Pension Plan Puppets office last night. One might think that the NHL draft was the biggest thing that happened last night, some
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