Heather Lynn

Total 399 Posts

Let the Wookie Win

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It was dark, in more ways than one and there was little hope to be found. But a merry band of rebels fought to bring down an evil empire. There was a whole lot of things they ran into along

Let Me Introduce To You a Brand New Dance

Forget about last night. The Leafs forge on in their tour of Florida. I wonder if they will run into Michael Westen. Anyways, we've got some more sweet, sweet mid-week puck action for you. The Monster will be in the pipes. SPG picks here. Keep it cute or

Leafs @ Lightning: Three the Hard Way

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay Lightning 3 0 0 3 Join the Game Thread GO LEAFS GO.

Leafs @ Lightning: Second Period Style

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 0 0 0 Tampa Bay Lightning 3 0 3 Join the Game Thread Second period. We start fresh. GO LEAFS GO.

But I'm Holding On

Leafs and Lightning are on the docket for tonight. It should be some good week fun to break up the monotony. We got Giggy in net. Let's do this. Pull on your blue and white and start screaming Go Leafs Go. SPG picks. Keep it cute or put

Leafs @ Caps: 5-4, SO Loss

0:00 remaining in the 5th 1 2 3 OT SO Total Toronto Maple Leafs 1 0 3 0 0 4 Washington Capitals 0 3 1 0 0 4 Join the Game Thread Oi vey, what a game. It wasn't a good night to be a goalie for

Leafs @ Caps: Three the Hard Way

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 1 0 1 Washington Capitals 0 3 3 Join the Game Thread

Second Period Style: Leafs @ Caps

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 1 1 Washington Capitals 0 0 Join the Game Thread Our Schenn and Savior. Nikolai Kulemin with the goal.

Look Alive, Sunshine

Tonight with some shuffling the Maple Leafs will taking on the Washington Capitals, minus the captain.I actually get to watch the game as it will be on NHL Network (in HD, hnnnnng). SPG picks are here. Do 'em good since now the points matter. It it November after

Panthers @ Leafs: BOZAK

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Florida Panthers 0 0 Toronto Maple Leafs 1 1 Join the Game Thread BOZAK!!!11

Just shake 'em off

You know, sometimes people forget that haters are always going to hate. Apparently the Leafs can never do anything right and you know what? Shut up. We don't care. We don't need you. HATE HATE HATE. Get over it. Obviously if we have this many hating,

The Aftermath- Leafs: 2 Flyers: 5

11:28 remaining in the 3rd 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 0 2 0 2 Philadelphia Flyers 2 1 2 5 Join the Game Thread This really was a mess. But let's not be too negative. Or you'll have me to deal with. Post

Leafs @ Flyers: Three the Hard Way

1:14 remaining in the 2nd 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 0 2 2 Philadelphia Flyers 2 1 3 Join the Game Thread WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? IS THIS GONNA LAST FOREVER?

Leafs @ Flyers: Second Period Style

Intermission 1 2 3 Total Toronto Maple Leafs 0 0 Philadelphia Flyers 2 2 Join the Game Thread Well then, apparently we should have worn orange and looked really tacky.

Boys Night Out

The Truculent Maple Leafs are rolling into Philadelphia to face the Flyers for some Saturday action. This is your first period game thread. Music break after the jump. Keep it cute or put it on mute.


Welp, that certainly sucked. Rangers 2 and Leafs 1. Discuss.

Rangers @ Leafs: Three the Hard Way

No changes. Score still 2-0 New York and I'm cranky, hungry and tired.

Rangers @ Leafs: Second Period Style

The Rangers have the jump on the Leafs leading 2-0 after the 1st.

Don't Even Think About It, Cowboy

Well this certainly has the build up for drama and theatrics. Given the last run in of the Leafs and Ranger, I expect fists. Sean Avery isn't going to be very welcome in the ACC after his hacking action on our honorable and handsome Mike Komisarek. So who

The Boys are Back in Town

Let's keep this party going. The Leafs are on a roll, DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Remember what I said last time, be cool. We've been on a bit of a break since the last game but I think we are all itching to get down

Be Cool My Babies

Shhhhh. Just don't, ok? We're just gonna keep on like we do and we aren't going to say anything. We aren't going to do anything that could potentially tarnish our shining gem at the moment. We will observe and bask in the

Kiss With a Fist

The Maple Leafs and the Penguins square off tonight. The Pens have themselves a shiny new rink to show off. But I think the Leafs should break it in. Test out the strength of the boards and structural integrity of the brackets holding the glass. Get a little rough with

...And I'm Feeling Good

We start fresh. Sure we had the preseason games to shake the cobwebs and get the balance right. Take a look at all the new names on the roster. The team has gone through a massive amount of change and only a few players remain from the past two seasons.

Sweet Baby, I Need Fresh Blood

Tonight, tonight. The Red Wings and the Leafs square off. Can our boys in blue keep the momentum of sorts alive? I hope to see a flurry of fists and more dynamite netminding. This is your period one game thread. Keep it cute or put it on mute. Dance track

The Aftermath: Leafs 4 and Sens 3

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