Colin Odneal

Total 812 Posts

Turd Sandwich

*wet fart noise Links Cody Franson's Struggles Over For Now? Maybe? Leafs Weren't Going to Run the Table Anyways Right? Nope. TLN Prospect Rankings 10-6 Slim Pickins NHL Revealed Reviewed Am I the only person who still doesn't know what this is? Considering Hart

Kessel, So Hot Right Now

Links glorious links!

Leafs 4, Coyotes 2: 5 in a ROW

Leafs scored early and often and the Coyotes were able to break the shell in the 2nd and 3rd periods.

Death of a Legend

The end of the best parody stats account ever.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Links, Links, Links, read your links!

Row Row ROW Your Burning Boat

Celebrate the win with some fresh morning links

Leafs 4 - Bruins 3 IN REGULATION!

The Toronto Maple Leafs went into the den of nightmares that is the TD Centre and pulled out a regulation no less. How the hell did they manage that?!

Unoriginal Title

Links Bruce Arthur Eviscerates Steve Simmons Click "On the Hot Seat" link on the right side. The Perils of Small Sample Size Where are Nonis' critics now? The Best of the Rest - Olympic Rosters That's why those countries aren't in the Olympics

Outside Looking In

For the first time this season, the Leafs find themselves out of the Eastern Conference playoff picture.

Revisiting the Greatest Post and Comments Section in SBNation Hockey History

It was August in the year 2012 Anno Domini. The previous CBA was nearing its expiration date and many teams decided to get important contract extensions in under the wire before a new CBA took about their circumventing tools. One such team to make an extension was the Oilers. They

Is Colton Orr Better than a Goalie?

In last night's game thread, a comment by ThickSkinnedAlive about how Mike Palmateer has a better career ppg mark than Colton Orr got me thinking; just have many goalies have better career ppg marks than Colton Orr? So I went to, fired up the ol'

The Suckiest Bunch of Sucks That Ever Sucked

It's been shown through various studies that teams are more likely to lose on the second half of a back-to-back. The Leafs apparently read those studies incorrectly. The Islanders were stuck on the JFK tarmac until 3am last night due to weather in Toronto and played in tonight&

24/7 to 1

BP really dropped the ball by not using this title in yesterday's game recap.

Snowday Links

Links Leafs Acquire Tim Gleason as we Await the Carlyle Factor It gon' be bad. LFR7 Game 42 Winter Classic Dangle. Convergeance and Jack Johnson Some terrifying stuff in here about GMs making anecdote based decisions.

Flip-Flopping with Steve Simmons

We're having a lot of fun this week with Steve Simmons of the Toronto Sun. But it's not like he helps himself either...

All I Want For Christmas is a New Head Coach

Beautifully unwrapped links

Hockey Hegemony

Morning links for you to digest

Badvent Keeps on Rolling

Links for your reading pleasure

You Have Selected Regicide -- King at Leafs Game Thread

Scrivens out. Frattin out. Rielly out. Phaneuf out. Carlyle and Fraser still inexplicably in. That's pretty much what's up for tonight's game. Over under on Shots Against is set at 40.5. Edit: Chemmy here, sup? We might not beat the Kings tonight on

You Go to the Pressbox; Two Games

The captain has picked up a two game suspension at a terrible time...

Lee From Kestwick Still Dumb

Nice work kid, way to think it through

Badvent Gets Off To A Bad Start

The holiday season didn't get off to the best start but your day can get kicked off right with these links

Oh Oh, We're a Third of the Way There!

Comparing this Leafs teams to teams of the past few years.

Leafs Links

Leafs Links The Curious Case of Nifty Mittens Kadri My favorite part is the inconsistent minutes. Marlies Win 3-2 Over Rochester At least one Toronto team is winning. A Bad Month, or Something Worse? Obviously something worse. This Leafs team is more flawed than a diamond bought at Walmart. LFR7

Banking Points

21 games. 27 points. Need to bank those points. Recaps Leafs Nation MLHS Links Who Might Represent the Leafs in the Sochi Olympics Kessel, JVR, Bozak, Orr, McLaren..... This Can't be Right Oh yes it can be. Everything You Know is Wrong DGB says you guys are stupid.
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