Colin Odneal

Total 812 Posts

Humpday Links

Recaps Leafs Nation VLM Links Despite Forecasts of Doom, the Future is Very Bright for the Leafs This guy should be a comedian. ELO for Evaluating Players Pretty interesting first attempt at using ELO to look at NHLers. Familiar Position Nobody could have seen this coming for Lupul. Nobody. Three

Wear Green

Recaps MLHS Leafs Nation Links Zone Entry Tracking: Leafs at Caps Leafs did well because the Caps aren't very good. Bolland Absence has made the Leafs Grow Quickly I have no idea what this means. The Ultimate Stat Lambert writes about the Ducks for charity. Steve Dangle Podcast

Leafs Played Hockey Last Night

So how about that game huh? Wasn't awesome when (insert beneficial event here) happened because of (insert Leafs player)'s great play? Look, the game started at 10:30pm Eastern and I got work in the morning. Links A Defense of David Clarkson "Remember, it isn&

Leafs 3 - Ducks 1: That Dog Ain't Laughing Now

It's a Duck Hunt reference.

Headed to the Best Coast

Links LFR7 - Game 64 Pretty Fly Call me the juice and you know Imma stunt. Crunching Numbers Leafs need to go .500 to make the playoffs. Depth Propels Leafs to Victory First W without a point from Kessel, JVR, or Bozak. Leafs Prospect Update The Leafs prospects aren'

Those Trades Panning Out?

Vancouver? No. Washington? God no. Tampa? No. Links Panago Pizza Presents Peve Pangle Podcast Prade Peadline P014 Part Pone LFR7 Lame L4 Langle Looks Lat Latest Lame 2014 Paralympics Team USA Sled Hockey Preview There's more lympics to be played. Closer Look: Miller and Halak Looks like it

Trade Deadline Madness

Awwww shit it's about to go down! It's the mother f***ing trade deadline ya'll. Let's do this shit. My list of Leaf's potentially on their way out: 1. Kulemin 2. Holland 3. Kadri 4. Reimer 5. Gardiner 6. Your

So Blue Jackets Eh?

Links Jonathan Bernier and the Bumpy Road to the Promised Land Is there a parade planned along that road? LFR7 - Game 62 Dangle says it was off the wall. Leafs Prospect Update Kids playing hockey. Carton Ashton Scores Hattrick in Marlies Victory Not good enough for the Leafs.

Olympic Hangover, Obviously

Recaps The Leafs Nation Vintage Leaf Memories Links Which Players are Expected to Try Hard in Practice? Answer: Not the good ones. Remember when Phil Kessel was Sluggish? You mean Wednesday? Should the Toronto Maple Leafs Trade Dave Bolland? Yes. When a Team Sucks, It's Never the Fans&

One More Day Until Hockey

Links Let's Talk About David Bolland Let's talk about how David Bolland's worth to the Leafs is greatly exaggerated. What Lies Around the Corner for the Leafs? The Islanders. Your Prospects Aren't That Good Dawg Lambert writes the article I requested. Leafs

Back to Hockey that Matters

Links SDP Canada wins gold edition. Will Phil Kessel be a Clutch Performer for the Leafs? There is no such thing as clutch. Leafs in Sochi Final Report WHY NO MEDALS??

Rampant Jingoism

You suck. Your country sucks. Your country's hockey team sucks. Links Know Who I Like is this Phil Kessel Kid Lambert loves Kessel and donations. Don't be a dick, make a donation and get your own post. Three Keys for Canada, US in Olympic Semi-Final These

Going For the Gold

Today is Day 2 of the Olympic Men's Hockey medal round. Both Team Canada and Team USA play at the same time today in what is easily the largest foul-up yet at the problem plagued Sochi Olympics. If some Russian scheduler and his entire family aren't

Blah Blah Olympics Blah

Links Olympics and Team Canada and yada yada yada. Boring. Oh and Brennan made the AHL All-Star Game.

Olympics Don't Start Until Friday

Links Ten Reasons Why the Leafs Just Might be Contenders in the Eastern Conference All 10 are names of shitty Eastern Conference teams like Ottawa and Buffalo. The Steve Dangle Podcast He talks about hockey and stuff. LFR7 Game 60 Dangle also comes in video form. Sochi Refresher All you

Department of Hoakey Analytics: USA Goalies

Welcome to a new feature on PPP that will run after each and every terrible article "The Department of Hockey Analytics" puts out over at The Star dot com.

Martin St. Louis' Thighs

Recaps MLHS VLM Links Mike and Bridgette Smiths' Olympic Helmets These look great. Marlies Win Physical School Day Game Gotta love a game with multiple fights in front of thousands of school children. Maybe it is a Turd Burger After All The Sabres didn't wear their shitty

This Many Minutes

How many minutes with the worst players on our team end up playing?

How Many Minutes?

Tonight Randy Carlyle is going to play perhaps the worst line in the history of the NHL. Colton Orr - Jerred Smithson - Frazer McLaren. These guys are not NHL caliber hockey players. Hell, I'm more than confident they'd get circles skated around them in the

Manning Face

It's a great day to hate a Manning

Good Game, Bad Articles

Read your daily links!

The New .500

What does it mean to be a .500 team in the NHL now?

Humpday Linkage

Links for you to pass the day

Leafs 3, Lightning 2 , Tim Gleason -3

Why do the hockey gods hate Tim Gleason?

Better Late Than Never

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