Colin Odneal

Total 812 Posts

Do You Realize What Month It Is?

It's freaking September! That's what month it is. September holds more than just the end of summer and the beginning of fall; it marks the beginning of the return of hockey!  In September we get rookie tournaments, training camp, roster finalization, and lastly the start of

It's Time for some Phantasy Puck

That's right ladies and gentleman, the NHL season is fast approaching and with it comes the return of the PPPPP. Last year's installment was a hit with 40 teams spread out amongst 2 divisions. This year we're looking to improve upon that success and

Can We Please Put the Basement Dwelling Remarks to Rest?

Damien Cox is an outmoded, sour dinosaur of a columnist who can't stand the heat, yet won't get out of the kitchen. Yesterday he had a Jose Cancesoesque mini-meltdown on Twitter as he got into it with Jays fans over his column about how Jose Bautista

Každý, kdo zde mají malajské příbuzné?

Dobrý den, Zaprvé, dovolte mi, abych se představil ještě jednou, já jsem obhájce Dave Fuller. Jsem ženatý a otcem čtyř dětí. Jsem senior advokát tady v Malajsii. My jurisdikce je občanské právo a nemovitosti Consultant. I když můj návrh byl spíše samo-vysvětlující, ale pro účely jasnosti, dovolte mi použít tohoto

If Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery...

Important Update: First off, thanks for having the site's back folks. It is much appreciated. The e-mails have been good and hilarious although I think the ones calling him a hack touched a nerve. Secondly, Dave Fuller replied to my e-mail and explained why he thought he did

There's a reason it's called the minor leagues

Last night I went to an Independent League baseball game in Bridgeport, CT.  For those of you who don't know what that is, the independent league baseball is a grouping of various professional baseball teams and leagues through the US that do not have direct affiliation with MLB.

10 Ways to Help Make the Barilkosphere a Better Place

Talking with some of the old guard around these parts, its become clear that a set of ground rules need to be established when it comes to posting, commenting, tweeting and blogging.  Now PPP has posted the rules of the road a few times; but I want to go a

Tomas Kaberle - Still a Leaf

The following is what happened yesterday relative to the Leafs: The following are links to Leafscentric blogs from yesterday that didn't write a post speculating on the eventual Tomas Kaberle no trade: The following is a statement from Brian Burke on the Kaberle no trade: The hockey club

Civic Duty is Totally Rad!

So yesterday I was summonsed to the local county courthouse for one of America's longest standing and most cherished traditions; jury duty! Lame, I know. the horror stories of jury duty are widely known and involve hours upon hours of tedious boredom as potential jurors await there fate

No TV and No Hockey Make Skinny Something...Something....

I'm gonna just go ahead and say that I really don't care what happens with Kovalchuk or the other contracts under investigation by the NHL. Boring.... Can't there just be hockey games to watch already? I might be going stir crazy. T-Minus 4 days

Yeah, I've Got Nothing Exciting to Say

I write this on a Thursday night after a day like so many others of late where absolutely jack squat is going on in the hockey world. Oh sure there's the ongoing Kovalchukzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Or the potential sale of the Phoenizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Or the cap situations of the Hawkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Flyerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,

Breaking News: Nothing Happened Yesterday

August 3rd, 2010 will go down in history as being yet another day in which jackshit happened with regards to the Toronto Maple Leafs. That is all. The Leafs' Top 25 Under 25 Yakov Mironov ranks the Leaf prospects from 25 to 1. Mt. Puckmore? What about a Mt.


It's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. You now know what I'll be watching on TV ever night this week. If you don't like Shark Week, we cannot be friends. Links after you jump the shark: Leafs could use a modern day King Clancy

You Down With O-Pee-Chee?

Ya you know me! As I kid I used to collect sports cards; like a lot of sports cards. I had binders and binders full of 'em. My prized possession was an autographed Teemu Selanne rookie card that I mailed to Winnipeg to have him sign. It was pretty

Monday Already?

I had a fun but tiring weekend of paintball in rural Pennsylvania. Yes I went to a Wal-Mart while I was there, and yes the shoppers there looked like they were straight out of People of Wal-Mart. It was terrifying. So glad to be back in New England where there

My Conversation with a Not-So-Clever Bot

So who remembers back in the mid to late 90s when AIM released a bunch of "smart" bot accounts that you could "converse" with for a laugh? Good times had by all, let me tell you what. Well now there is a new smart chat bot

So who saw that coming?

For those of you who weren't around last night and are just starting to hear the news now, the NHL has rejected Ilya Kovlachuk's preposterous 17 year, $102M contract. They did so while citing that it was an attempt to circumvent the salary cap by adding

Pension Plan Puppets Suicide Hotline: 515-y-no-ilya

Well it's official; Brian Burke did not sign Ilya Kovalchuk. Right about now you're going through the different scenarios of how badly this team is going to suck without him, and have come to the conclusion that it's best to just kill yourself instead

Paging Dr. SkinnyFish to the FTB

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet as I need to get to bed here soon. Why you ask? Well because as of 8am this morning I will be taking the Medical College Admission Test. That's right, I want to go to medical school and become

Filling in the Holes

With free agency slowed down to the speed of an indecisive Russian snail, there's not much to talk about at the moment aside from the usual speculation. However speculation without an understanding of what is needed just leads to crazy scenarios and debates that go nowhere.  If we&

You CAN Say That on Television

This post really only pertains to the United States, but whatever. Hear me out. Yesterday, a US federal appeals court ruled that the FCC "indecency rule" is unconstitutional. For those of you Canadians who have no idea what I'm talking about. The Federal Communication Council is

Commissioner Bettman: Overpaid? An Interleague Comparison

Jason Deforest from the Fan960 in Calgary, AB earlier today tweeted that Gary Bettman made $7.23M as NHL commissioner last year. Ugh is right. That immediately seemed like a large amount of cash compared to what most NHL players make. So that got the ol' hamster wheel spinning

Hockey > Soccer In Case You Didn't Know

Finally, the World Cup is over and done with. Just like we do the Monday after the Super Bowl, we can all stop pretending to be interested in the game of football and get back to obsessing over a real sport; hockey. I'll admit that I was one

Lebda Lebda Lebda!

That's a Brady Bunch reference. If you didn't get it because you never watched the Brady Bunch, then I hate you. Feel free to replace Lebda with Lebron if you so choose, but it's a hockey blog so, ya know. Last night the national

What's a 6th Defenseman Anyway? - A Brett Lebda Study

Last night, for some reason or another, Brian Burke signed defenseman Brett Lebda to a two-year deal worth $1.45M per. I'll just come out and say that I am not a fan of the signing. Had Kaberle or Finger been moved/waived first, then I'd
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