Colin Odneal

Total 812 Posts

It's Time to Spin the Wheel Of Justice!

If you don't know what happened last night, head on over to Hockey Wilderness to see clips of Rick Rypien grabbing a fan on his way to the locker room. So you know what that means, time for Colin Campbell to don the blindfold and give a spin

Sizing Up the NHL by Height, Weight, and Age

There has been and will continue to be a lot of articles talking about ranking players and teams by how well do they on the ice; goals, points, wins, etc... That's boring. Nobody cares about those kind of stats. What people really want to know is stuff like

Friday's Alright for Links

Brian Burke and the "I" in team VLM takes a look at Burke's apparent egotism. Win number 3 made some interesting stats budblog knows Clarke MacArthur is the true league leader in goals. MS Paint is the best computer tool for use in gloating Fallen Leafs

Lousy Smarch Weather: Leafs 1 - Pens 2. Your 2nd Period GDT

The Leafs did their best impression of March that period; in like a lion and out like a lamb. At one point the game stood 1-0 Leafs with shots being 7-0 in their favor. Then came Schenn's double minor for high sticking and the Leafs never got another

With So Much Money on the Line, What's With the Crappy Helmets?

Last week in my squirt team's very first game of the season, two of my kids got concussions. One due to getting trip while skating full speed towards the side boards, and one from running straight into another kid and banging helmets. These were the second and third

Premature Holidays With Dry Turkey

So apparently Canadians like to celebrate holidays early or something and today are having their Thanksgiving while everyone else (me not included) have the day off work for Columbus Day. Looks to be a slow news day. Only three links to share. Maple Leafs fans have reason for early optimism

Worst Opening to a Season Ever?

No, I'm not talking about the game. I'm talking about all the hoopla and crap before the game last night. It all started with the NHL Face-off from Dundas Square in Toronto. What better way to get fans excited for the upcoming hockey season than by

2010-2011 Toronto Maple Leafs Season Preview

The day has finally arrived: the 2010-2011 season starts at 7pm and ends in June sometime. Whether we will be cheering on the Leafs (why not? wait, please don't answer that) or hoping for some hated rival to fall flat on their face is up in the air.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, the Leafs Play Tomorrow

"Annie" (1982) - Tomorrow (via serbianhuddle) Can you believe it? The season is almost here! Tomorrow night the NHL season kicks off as the heroic Leafs (cheer) battle the dirty Habs (booo) at the ACC. If you have tickets, I don't want to know about it.

The Only Prescription is More Action Movies

So because MLSE was smart and schedule five games back to back to back to back to back, there wasn't jack to watch on TV last night which due to the remnants of a tropical storm was very cold and very wet. Ugh. Wanna know how bad the

Early Morning Links for People Who Oversleep

Ever get real tired and wind up going to bed early only to remember once you awake in the morning that you were supposed to write the FTB for that day the night before and were 30 minutes late with it already? Happened to me. Links mf37 bring us this

Lazy Monday Edition

What that said. Hanson and Mitchell battle for the 3rd line center spot Who you got in this one? Putting on the Foil or Socks? The good, the bad, and the ugly of the Leafs' pre-season FiftyMissionCap gives us a run down of the goings on at the half

After his talk, should Wilson send a bigger message?

Yesterday Wilson gave an on-ice talk to Nazem Kadri about how his spot is not guaranteed and that he has to work for his spot. After watching Kadri play two games this pre-season, it's become apparent that he isn't yet ready for the NHL. In last

Coach SkinnyFish's Corner

For those of you that don't know, I'm the head coach a squirt hockey team in Connecticut. We're not the greatest hockey team there is, and we may very well be the worst but the kids are coachable and you really see drastic improvement

Working Out The Kinks

Well, that was your first real game day of the season. It wasn't the greatest in terms of outcome but it was definitely good ot be back in the swing of things. Here's the basic routine that we'll follow: 1. 7am will be the

The Best Part of Training Camp? The Cuts.

Today marks the start of the Leafs training camp. When it ends, 63 players will have been cut down to 23. I figure this is how the end of camp will go: Burke:  Good practice, kids. Now it's time for the easiest part of any GM's

Is it really only Wednesday? Ugh....

Yeah, I uh was going to write something creative here but instead I played Halo: Reach for six hours and between that, organizing a squirt hockey team and getting my med school application together, my brain is a bit fried. Here be your links. How do you say "No

The Wait Is the Hardest Part

Tomorrow I found find out who the 12 eager little minds that I get to mold into hockey players are. Until then, I got nothing for you besides some links. Enjoy. A quick interview with goalie coach Francois Allaire Mirtle gets a chance to talk to the man, the myth,

Phantasy Phun Phriday at PPP

That's alliteration homes. In my last PPPPP update post, I asked you all to post your unique team names so that I could include the best in this FTB for the masses to vote on. So, masses, which of the following fantasy team names do you like best?

Tryouts For Everybody!

This week, the Leafs are holding their rookie camp. It's the closest thing to tryouts there is in the NHL. Kids show up from far and wide hoping to dazzle for the coaches and show they deserve a spot on the team. Unfortunately for them, the sad reality

PPP Phantasy Puck - It's Go Time

First, holy hell there are a lot of you who want to play some fantasy puck. Currently the total count stands at 106 108 participants in 6 leagues.  That's a whole hell of a lot of fantasy players. However, there are is currently two one open spots for

PPPPP Registration Is Now Closed

Why is it closed you ask? Well because we've gotten over 100 participants for 6 leagues. You people are crazy for fantasy hockey! If you have filled out the form, it means you're in. Look for a post on Tuesday detailing what league you are in

The Perfect Storm

No, I'm not talking about Hurricane Earl and the fact that it should hit my area of the Eastern seaboard this evening, I'm talking about Twitter. If there are three things I love; it's hockey, old school hip hop, and internet memes. Therefore, yesterday&

PPP Phantasy Puck - Now With Google Documents Goodness

So I miscalculated and totally did not expect such a large turnout for the PPPPP.  To help facilitate data collection for what type of a league you all want, and to get a good headcount of who all is interested, I've created a form using Google Documents for

Why All the Grabbo Hate?

Frankly, I've grown very tired of the constant hate for Mikhail Grabovski and have decided to write a post that aims to stamp out the hate once and for all. Grabbo is entering his second year of his three year deal worth $2.9M in caphit per year.
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