MattBlack is out of town in England this weekend, so I volunteered to write the FTB for him. By out of town in England, I don't mean that he went on vacation to England or anything.  I mean that he lives in England and went to another part of England for the weekend. Or at least I'm assuming he's still in England for the weekend. For all I know he could have gone off to Wales or Scotland or some other place nearby.  But for now I'm just going to assume that from his home in England he has traveled to another part of England to do whatever it is people do in England; which I'm going to assume is eating fish and chips while trying to stay dry under an umbrella.

To the links!

While centric to the Blue Jays; I feel this video could sub in the

Maple Leafs

and be exactly the same. [Fallen Leafs]Ponikarovski's brain farts are indicative of the Leafs' season. [The Globe and Mail]

The State of the Leafs. One word: crappy [Hockey Analysis]

Who the fuck is Tim Brent? I don't know, but he scored a goal for the Marlies last night. [The Hockey News]

What's a Toronto sports writer to do? [TSM]

Did you know RW had an uncle and father who played in the NHL? Me neither. [Vintage Leaf Memories]

Them's the links.

Big Money Updates:

Bloge Salming had a great spot in the press scrum for Tortorella and Brooksie's argument. [Bloge Salming]