It it always darkest before it is light, and the time is upon us. It's the return of the hockey season. Gone is the despair and pining for a game to watch. A hope fills us and excitement buzzes in the air as we face the new and bright future of the 2009-10 Toronto Maple Leafs. We reunite with familiar faces and welcome the fresh blood to the team.

Ladies and gentlemen, your line up for tonight's game:

Stalberg - Stajan - Blake
Hagman - Grabovski - Ponikarovsky
Stempniak - Mitchell - Wallin
Rosehill - Primeau - Orr
Extra: Kulemin - Mayers

Kaberle - Komisarek
Beauchemin - Schenn
White - Exelby


It's the return of SPG. You might have to re-register. But get those in. For those new to community, welcome and we don't bite. Use the reply button, it is your friend. Also use the Z key to tab through new comments, its a lifesaver. Just to brief you, please keep the threads on task. I know tangents happen but try and keep focus on the game. If you want to socialize, take it outside with a group gchat. Also, try and keep it somewhat safe for work and consider the Tlusty scale. In the rare even of trolls, just flag and ignore. Have fun and welcome back everyone. Here is some music to get us started

This is your period one game thread. GO LEAFS GO.