Remember the Stanky Legg? Of course you do. Well it's now reached new heights. I bring you the Wal-Mart Stanky Legg.  History is made at  2:16 with the first ever Air Stanky Legg.  Also of note, the Cowboy Stanky Legg; the Melon Stanky Legg; the Shopping Cart Stanky Legg; and the confuse the hell out of a housewife Stanky Legg.  You have no other option but to love this video.

Stanky Leg in Wal-Mart (via rockinbowler17)

Also amazing: Soulja Boy Do Da Stanky Legg

Links about hockey, karaoke, and Terminators after the jump

Dion Phaneuf is in the mood for a melody

Fallen Leafs finds TMZ footage of the Dion doing karaoke. Wow.

Bolt From the Blue: John Cullen

From the Lightning website comes this harrowing story of John Cullen.

No movement clauses: Not just for Tomas Kaberle

Bangin Panger with a rundown of some bad NMCs

Playoff overtime clutch performers

Behind the Net with a run down of players who have come through when needed most.

Look at the shit eating grin on Pronger

I don't know what the article is about; I just wanted to you see Pronger's face.

From the Archives: Leafs/Kings '93 Game 6

DGB hops in his liveblog time machine to bring you the happenings from Game 6.

The Tomas Kaberle Trade Pool

MLHS poses the question on what Kaberle should bring if traded. Check out the comments for a whole lot of crazy.

Reports say that there will be two outdoor games next year.

The Winter Classic with WSH-PIT and another with CGY-MTL.

He's rounding third and headed for home!

Be sure to follow eyebleaf as he nears the 30 mark.

Visiting the draft selection of Gerry McNamara

Frozen Leafs looks back at how the former GM did.

Examining the Leafs' European prospects

Slava Duris uses NHL Equivalencies to grade the prospects

Dave Nonis staying on helps the Leafs

VLM likes the reupping of Nonis and feels that it'll go a long way to making the Leafs a better run organization.

Bob Halkidis wants to teach your kid about hockey

Vintage Leafs found the link, and I pass it on to you.
He was coached by Scotty Bowman!

Leafs Draft History 101: The Later Rounds

Yakov Mironov takes a look at drafting in the late rounds and the kind of talent that can be found there.

Morning Additions

A very interesting article about using caution when using anonymous sources in sports journalism from ESPN.

Know your teammate with Kane and Toews

LD with Friday's YouTube Yoinkage

Finally, your non-hockey link of the day:

Termintator 2, in three minutes, with every action scene and bullet fired. Awesome.