So Wednesday at work I got asked to go kayaking down this little stream/river by our work that leads to the Long Island Sound. Hell yeah I said! Kayaking is sweet. So yesterday I put on a wetsuit, climbed into a kayak, set off down the river......and soon thereafter hit a submerged tree trunk and flipped the kayak.


After some scrambling I get out of the kayak, turned it upright, and hauled it unto the bank. During all this I lost my crappy backup glasses that got bent from a drunken headbutt at Chemmy's wedding; one of my Keen water shoes that I bought when I lived in Yellowstone; and worst of all my hat. It was the only hat that I've worn for 7 years and losing it was ironic.. The irony being that it said 'New River Mountain Tours' on the front; they being a whitewater rafting outfitter in West Virginia. I'll miss that hat.

So my two buddies I'm going down the river with paddle over to where I've beached the boat and I'm a bit shaken. The spot where I beached just so happened to be in some guy's backyard, and he was home at the time. Now I don't know about your locale, but seeing three guys in wetsuits paddling down a stream in Fairfield County, Connecticut is not something the normal homeowner see on a daily basis.

Anyways he comes out with three beers in hand and says "You guys are nuts to be out here? Want a PBR?" Now like I said I was a bit shaken from tipping over and having those 5 seconds of OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO DROWN so I said "Hell yeah I want a beer!", took it and chugged the whole thing. It was the most delicious beer in the world. I thanked him for the beer and asked him his name.

Burke. His name was Burke.

Now I don't know about the rest of you but I, being a Leafs fan, took that as a sign from the heavens. There I was, nearly drowned, cold, wet, and soon to be hung out to dry and a man named Burke made it all better. The current Leafs, despite having a good run going, are pretty bad. Only one legitimate scoring threat; a logjam at the blueline; and subpar goaltending.  But I have no fear for the future, because today I learned that no matter how bad things get, Burke will be there to make it better.

(True story)

Links after the jump

The two-headed juggernaut of hockey humor knocks another one out of the park [Bloge Salming and Down Goes Brown]

Things are looking so hot between the NHLPA and the league [Globe and Mail]

There's a party, possibly in my pants, and we're all invited! [Heroes in Rehab]

Calling BS on the Toronto media [MLHS]

Here's a neat little video that showcases how hockey equipment is tested [Kukla's Korner]

Grabbo plays overtime hero and helps fuel the climb from the basement [Mirtle at the Globe and Mail]

It's called Schadenfreude, and it's hilarious [Bitter Leaf Fan]

Jimmy Hayes dominates the Hockey East tournament [MLHS]

Bettman talks about the new head shot rule []

Expect a big game out of Nazem Kadri [Norman Jones]

A game recap courtesy of [The Hockey News]

Cavemen in hockey is this week's Youtube Yoinkage [WWoLD]

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