....which is all Lent is essentially, right?
Here's a fun game all the family can play. On the left, five of the glorious blue and white. On the right, what they'll be giving up for lent. Can you match all five? Are you smarter than a second grader? Is anyone actually, y'know....listening?
Jiri Tlusty Having a glove the size of an atom
Vesa Toskala Redeeming the world
Brian Burke Going from prospect to burn out without a career in between
Luke Schenn Unplanned indecent exposure
Anton Stralman Plotting the untimely demise of Down Goes Brown
- Trades. Trades Trades Trades. Down Goes Brown and Far Away Leaf have their advice for BB. Wonder which one he's more likely to listen to? And Nik's a gonner, according to the Fanhouse.
- Dr Steve and his analysis has been brought to bear on the Tlusty Points Explosion and pointing the blame finger.
- Toronto Sports Media sticks it to the man and puts the Leafs fifth in the only race that matters.
- Vintage Leafs has snuck back into The Star's clippings warehouse.
- General Borschevsky pens the tale of a doomed love affair.
- Loser Domi (in Barry Melrose Rocks colours) has found the lamest piece of video ever made. Depressing on so, so many levels.
- Desired by many, understood by few, my esteemed colleague Wrap Around Curl has finally found the hockey glamour shots that won't keep you up all night. In any sense.
- UPDATE : Bitter Leaf pleads, Prince FTB answers.
- UPDATE II : T.O. Sports and part one of their roster review./