The Leafs host the New York Rangers tonight in the Hall of Fame game. The 3-0 win last night should provide some momentum for the Leafs but they are playing at home where there is apparently a memory wipe machine that erases all notions of defence from the players' minds.

They will have to be in good defensive form since they are playing probably the best goalie in hockey right now, Henrik Lundqvist, who boasts a 1.62GAA and .940Sv%. Luckily, the Rangers offence is putting up similarly miniscule numbers (1.88G/gm) as only 2 players are into double digit points. The Rangers are another team that is struggling 5 on 5 with only 15 goals for this year. Last night the team kept it to 5 penalties and no surprise they won. A similarly well disciplined effort will be needed tonight

I'll leave the Player of the Game poll for the Sabres game open until Monday so be sure to vote. Remember to put your guesses for who will score take the first shot, get the first penalty, and score the first goal in the comments. I'll keep a running tally of the results in the right sidebar. For the Sabres'game the winning predictions were: Shot - Steen, Penalty - Kubina, and Goal - McCabe. This is also getting tracked in the sidebar.

As always, your thoughts throughout the game are much appreciated in the comments. Each period and overtime/shootout gets their own section so just reply to the relevant section's main post. You need to set up an account to comment so register and share your thoughts.

Who was the Leafs' Player of the Game?

Andrew Raycroft (30 saves for the shutout)12
Mats Sundin (1 goal and 1 assist)0
Bryan McCabe (1 goal and 0 mind-boggling defensive errors)0
John Ferguson Junior (putting a decent team together when injuries aren't killing it)0
The Fans (travelling to a noted den of pain and beating up non-believers)3