Quick update on Project Mayhem:

  • Alfredsson's page is up and running
  • We need a tagline for Mats
  • We have raised $204 out of our $280 goal. If you want to participate you can send me a paypal at pensionplanpuppets@gmail.com or an e-mail money transfer or we can arrange something else via e-mail/

The other news is that sisu has extended an olive branch. He's agreed to contribute $50 to our project if we match it with a donation to Saku Koivu's Foundation. If you want to earmark your contribution for this just make a note of it in your e-mail.

And now, some stories to pass the day:

  • Sorry sens fans. Despite your hopes that justice would be served on Mark Bell it looks like he'll just be working days at the jail. No sleepovers if he's a good boy.
    Steve takes a look at some of the key contributors to the Marlies' playoff run. This is just like 1993 so expect them to lose a heartbreaking game 7 to the best player in AHL history. Oh, and almost 5,000 people went to the game. Not bad.
    Greener wonders how anyone could venerate baseball players or could think NBA players are anything close to tough. In other news, after stopping a slapshot with his face Braydon Coburn will probably stop the next one with his neck. That's tough.
    Fate is a funny thing. The first story I read after writing that paragraph was about Extreme Baseball. No, it doesn't involve anything more extreme than two pitchers, two diamonds, and a bunch of stupid stuff. They don't even have a rule allowing a batter to keep hold of his bat when he charges the mound. Lame.
    Via Mirtle here is a great resource for the NHL Entry Draft this year. Who's gonna be the Leafs' bust?!!
    The Pensblog is life changing. If you aren't reading it then you should start./