The Leafs are in LA tonight and the game is on LeafsTV once again which will save most of your from having to actually watch this game. Me, I have to watch this dogfight in what is the first game featuring two participants in the Drive for Doughty/Steve Stamkos Watch. The Kings have an 8 point lead on the Buds with a game in hand. Somehow the Leafs are only 5 points out of 8th in the Eastern Conference despite being in 28th in the league. But don't get excited. We're all in this together and we've committed to being terrible so enjoy the ride and remember how good those two players looked while leading Canada to Gold over the holidays.

If you haven't had a chance, remember to check out the 5 Questions with RudyKelly for all you need to know about our fellow relegation battlers (imagine if we had that on top of being terrible?)

Here are some stats for tonight's game including the True Records of both teams where OTL and SOL are counted as Ls. These teams are terrible. Leafs of the 1980s bad. Good God. I just checked that link in more detail. Here is what JFJ will soon accomplish and here's reason enough to fire him if there was still any lingering doubt: The Leafs will miss the playoffs for three straight seasons for the first time in franchise history. Wow.

Road/Home Maple Leafs Ducks
Wins 16 - 29th 15 - 30th
Penalty Kill 82.4% - 15th 79.4% - 24th
Powerplay 13.0% - 29th 24.2% - 3rd
True Record 16-27 - .372 15-29 - .341

Remember to put your guesses for who will score take the first shot, get the first penalty, and score the first goal in the comments. I finally updated the scores so that they are current as of today. The Leafs threw a wrinkle in last night by being shutout but don't count on the Kings' goalies on pulling the same trick. They're

As always, the comment section is a wonderful place to vent and rage between periods or make hopeful predictions that you can tout in the future if they happen to come to pass. Each period and overtime/shootout gets their own section so just reply to the relevant section's main post and question how the team can look so good one night and so bad the next or even from minute to minute within the exact same game. Whatever you want to say all that you need to say it is to set up an account to comment so register and share your thoughts. For those listening on the radio (here) you can discuss how you imagine the play actually going. I find that my imagination never matches the highlights. If the Leafs play their cards right they'll be 6 back of the Kings with a game in hand which means that these idiots will probably win.