Ed.'s Note: I was remiss in missing this wonderful diary. Check it out and let Junior know what you think. Instant classic.

So that's how it ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper. After putting together an excellent run the Leafs once again crumple under the pressure of expectations with a pair of losses. How does it feel? Well, it's basically been a fait accompli since sometime in February but those bastards once again roped me in and had me checking the out of town scoreboard and making plausible predictions. It's a strange emptiness that will be filled by soccer for the summer and dreams about the draft and blockbuster trades. I wonder when we'll be talking about first round opponents again.

Here's some reaction on the Leafs official elimination. Make sure that you aren't holding any projectiles when you get to the last one.

My disappointment right now, although huge, feels drab and lifeless. This may be a product of maturity, although I doubt it. It may be a product of enforced expectations. I don't know, and at this time, I don't even care.

It feels like its been years since I last watched a Leafs playoff game. Probably because it has. 2003. Five years ago. Jesus. I miss it. I miss it so bad.

  • Ryan, Leafs Are Trash/

We’d like to congratulate the team on a third straight year without a playoff appearance and some individual congrats are also in order.
...To the entire Toronto Maple Leafs organization, congratulations on another year of leaving your fan base feeling fed up, unsatisfied and generally fucked.

  • MF37, Bitter Leaf Fan/

This year, it was a powerplay goal by the 87 year old Glen Murray that officially once-and-for-all put a fork in the Leafs...So now it's time to focus on coach firings, GM hirings, waivers, shutting down the injured and infirm and prepping for the draft. Oh, and let's go Raycroft!

  • Don, Battle of Ontario/

Can Maurice beat Murphy's mark of two in a row for a single coach? Can the Leafs make it 4? So much to look forward to next season. Have a great summer Leaf fans!

Another failure. It sucks...I beg to differ if we don't lead the league in man-games lost, or the top five every year. That certainly doesn't help. We have a lot of injury issues; that's no excuse though. We seem to find one month where we just go on a slide and don't play consistent. You can't have a stretch where you lose six, seven games in a row every year and try to fight and claw your way back.