Well, I finally made it back to Toronto after the biggest storm since 1945 or some such insanity. Unfortunately, the entire trip, while enjoyable for all save the time during which the Leafs and Liverpool made me question why I love sports, was not a long nightmare.

It must have felt that way for the Leaf fans that travelled down the 401 and around the ditch-like potholes in Quebec (seriously, your roads are reminiscent of no-man's-land) to see the blue and white. Or at least similarly sized impostors. While Habs fans seem to think that their team is awesome the truth is that their flaws still exist but a lazy and heartless and gutless team refused to attempt to expose them. And yes HF29, Price did steal the last two games for the Habs. If the Leafs had won Saturday night you would know how it feels to see a team play embarrassingly bad and still walk out with 2 points. As it was you were saved that rage inducing happening.

I'll have more about my experience at the game up later but in the meantime it's nice that I jinxed the Leafs by wondering if they were a good team (they aren't and neither are the Habs) and the Toronto media chose to laud McCabe for actually playing like a defenceman and he gets taken out on a dirty play by a dirty Habs player. Quel surprise.