Well, the firing of JFJ is taking a lot more time than many had expected. I guess Cliff just couldn't miss his vacation in Mexico. Granted, if I was walking into the mess that resides at 40 Bay I would want to be as relaxed as possible before getting started. I noticed that the comments for the previous Contest post have been disabled so I figured it would be a good time to provide an update. The prize comes courtesy of Wall Daddy:

The rules are as follows:

  1. One guess per commenter with a date and time of the announcement of JFJ's firing. I'll use the time and date that the story is confirmed on TSN.ca to decide the winner.
  1. The correct date wins the poster. Tie breakers will go by period of the day (ie before noon/after noon) then by the hour that the story is posted and if things are still tied then the minute. If it's still tied then it'll go to the seconds.
  1. You can make extra guesses if you write a diary (I swear the name is changing soon) post about any Leafs-related topic. Here are some tips and guidelines. It's one guess per diary and the quality of the diary matters. Keep in mind the diaries that I have promoted.

The following guesses are still active:

  1. loser domi - 11:30 EST on January 26th, 2008
  1. Maple Leaf Blue - 10:03:03 PM February 2nd, 2008
  1. Evening News Team - 11:55am April 7th, 2008

Maple Leaf Blue has 3 more guesses by way of his three diaries and MapleLeafs85 gets one more guess. If you have already guessed and you missed then you can pick up extra guesses by way of Rule # 3. Possible topics include what Cliff Fletcher's first moves should be or what rumoured trades make sense and why or why you think that Andy Wozniewski is still in the NHL. Remember to check out the other diaries to get a feel for them.