So I figured that I would follow in the great Deadspin's footsteps and provide a round-up of articles to read in the morning with a little commentary kind of like I did last night.

I'll leave the comments open for name suggestions. Also, if you come across any interesting articles or blog posts or write your own e-mail them to me and I'll try to include them. Anyway, here's the first installment:

Greener reminds everyone that Dick Peddie is still in charge which is a problem. He also names his favoured candidate for GM: Brian Burke. Toss in Scotty Bowman as President and we are cooking with gas.
The Omen compiles a list of possible GM candidates and runs out of ideas after about four. I think he's just trying to ensure that his rage will have an outlet.
The Hat makes my day with his belief in Cliff Fletcher.
Kim Jorn documents The Omen's shocking victory in the 2008 Mittenstringer of the Year contest.
Lowetide, one of the best hockey bloggers in the interwebs, thinks that the Leafs went a long way towards righting the ship with the hiring of Cliff Fletcher.