While you celebrate the dismissal of JFJ and await the first steps towards the Leafs' Stanley Cup in 2012 here is a round-up of links for an extremely busy day.

  • James Mirtle features yours truly in a round-table discussion about the ills of the Leafs and what we would do to clean things up. We literally finished the e-mail exchange last night after a few aborted attempts at getting it going. The end result is a pretty good discussion and a good plan for the Leafs' going forward. If you aren't visiting Mirtle's site every day then you should start. If you are visiting from that post then thanks for stopping by. Poke around and I hope you enjoy the site.
    MF37 laments the five lost years of JFJ's reign of error. Read his JFJ posts in chronological order and you'll marvel at the fact that Fergie last this long.
    Neil Stevens gets the players' reactions on the firing which amount to 'Gee whiz, our bad'.
    Dave Shoalts' article from 1997 after Fletcher's firing should be required reading for Damien Cox and anyone else that wonders where Cliff went wrong. Not surprisingly, board interference had a hand in the terrible trades that were made at the end of his tenure.
    Loser Domi figures that being a GM wasn't the only thing that JFJ couldn't do right. Also, to lighten the mood (or make you wonder about her) here are the first and second installments of her secret project and here is the accompanying disclaimer./