While the Leafs have been left for dead at least a handful of times this year tonight could mark the official mathematical elimination of the slimmest of playoff hopes.

Here are the current standings and as far as I can gather the Leafs' tragic number is 4. Right now the maximum number of points that they can get is 90 and the Bruins are four points from that threshold so any combination of points lost by the Leafs or gained by the Bruins that adds up to four would seal the buds' fate. Tonight represents a magical confluence of events because both can happen in the same game.

Of course, that only means that the Leafs will win in overtime/shootout in order to drag the season out and let Chemmy see a meaningful-ish game on Saturday night.

While you contemplate whether to put yourself through the agony of another Leafs-Bruins games here are a couple of things to read:

  • Steve laments the fact that a nice guy like Paul Maurice isn't a better coach. I really wanted him to succeed in Toronto but it looks like we'll see the back of him this off-season and the Leafs will be better off without him.
    Sean writes up a doozy of a guide on "How to fight when you don't want to" with a number of great visual examples. It'll take a long time to get through all of the videos but it's well worth the exercise. My favourite way to fight when you don't want to:/

Try to look as tough as possible immediately before the fight. Once fight begins, throw a few punches early. Realize you are going to die. Make peace with your god.

Examples: Pretty much everyone who ever tried to fight Wendel Clark.

Don't ever mess with Wendel.