Hooray! The Leafs get to play host to the regular season juggernaut that is the ottawa senators. What a great way to end a losing streak. Of course the team will come out flying and give 110% because why would they do otherwise?

Here are some predictions for the game:

  • Herpes is going to get used in the recap as an analogy for Wozniewski's contant, irritating presence on the Leafs' backend.
  • Leafs will lament not playing for a full 60 minutes.
  • Dany Heatley will score a goal because despite having averaged almost a goal a game against the Leafs he will still find himself on the ice against the Defenceless Duo.
  • Bitter Leaf Fan will re-hash his post listing how many of the current Leafs will be back next year in an attempt to make me jump off of the Bloor Viaduct.
  • Bryan McCabe will say "what can you do?" in the post-game interviews without any sense of irony. YOU CAN PLAY BETTER!!
  • After some particularly spectacular defensive coverage results in a 5-on-0 Illy Bryzgalov will be thanking God for sending him to the Desert.
  • The senators will win another regular season game against the Leafs.
  • The four playoff wins will be mentioned after many a Molson Canadian bucket of beer.
  • JFJ will be shown on camera scowling. DO SOMETHING!/

It's going to be a long night for Leaf fans tonight unless the team finds a way to play 60 minutes against a team that has dominated the league thus far. Even if they do it will probably go to overtime where the Leafs will either lose on a Bryan McCabe blunder or because Maurice will choose Blake, Sundin, and Antropov to shoot despite Kaberle, Wellwood, and Steen being better picks. Or maybe the Leafs will prove me wrong. One can only hope.

Sadly, no one played well enough against the Bruins to inspire any of you to nominate them for player of the game so "No One Worthy" takes the season lead with his (or her) third selection. Remember to put your guesses for who will score take the first shot, get the first penalty, and score the first goal in the comments. I'll keep a running tally of the results in the right sidebar. For the Bruins' game the winning predictions were: Shot - Tlusty, Penalty - Bell, and Goal - Wellwood. This is also getting tracked in the sidebar. Right now it's a two horse race but there is definitely room for a newcomer to get themselves in the hunt.

As always, your thoughts throughout the game are much appreciated in the comments. Each period and overtime/shootout gets their own section so just reply to the relevant section's main post. You need to set up an account to comment so register and share your thoughts.