Good afternoon friends and it's a glorious one at that. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and our fundraising drive is picking up steam. Yesterday we were at $40 in phase II. After a couple of very generous donations we are sitting at $120 out of our new goal of $200. Remember, this cash is going towards messing with the Montreal Canadiens and ottawa senators franchise pages. If you want to contribute and are Canadian then the easiest way is to send me an e-mail money transfer to Otherwise, paypal to the same address works just as well. Finally, if neither option is possible drop me a line and we can figure something out. Also make sure to send me the link that you want to have on the page to which these sponsorships will be connected. Thanks to everyone that has taken part in this fun little exercise and let's keep it going!

MF37's contribution for the quotation on Daniel Alfredsson's page was the winner so now we have to move on to selecting what Mats' caption should be. Once again, toss your suggestions in the comments and give some feedback to the ones that you like.

Anyway, here are some links to read in case you are not out enjoying the sun:

  • Wyshynski! looks at the Masterton award nominees and can't quite figure out how Chris Chelios is nominated alongside our own Jason Blake (willing to take one for the team) and Fernando Pisani which were two of the scarier stories from this past season.
    RudyKelly looks at an article about the difference between the NBA playoffs and the NHL playoffs. Basically it boils down to one is played by the hardest people on the planet and the other involves basketball.
    Kevin does not understand why Sabres fans would not want Balsillie to own them. That makes at least two of us. That guy is going to turn some team into a juggernaut. Sigh.
    Steve looks at The Omen's revisionist history. Although I am not too sure about Quenneville. Check out Mile High Hockey and see the unabashed glee at getting rid of Coach Q./