That's all she wrote folks. Real pressure returns and they turn in a terrible performance. Operation Cock Tease is over. Time to play spoilers I guess. I'll write more tomorrow when I am slightly less despondent.

Stupid Leafs.

Morning Update

You know what? The Leafs are just pulling a classic rope-a-dope on the league. Now that everyone has given up on them they'll reel off five straight wins and shock the world! Or, more likely, they'll win four and head into Montreal needing a win to make the playoffs and they'll lay an egg like they did last night.

Right now, you're probably either horribly morose or oddly optimistic (after all, the pressure is off again) and you'll probably need some guidance on how to feel. Luckily, a couple of famous comedians are here to help.

Here's what the late John Belushi wants us to know from beyond the grave:

And local boy Jim Carey and his wife think that there's still a chance:

Those people, however, live in a fantasy world where pressure and must-wins do not automatically equal Leaf losses. Thank God Uncle Cliff wasn't fooled by these Leaf punks. I mean, Krecji and some other kid I had never heard of had two point nights for the Bruins. How could they let that happen? Gah, I hate the Leafs so much this morning. Why do we do this to ourselves?

They say misery loves company so check these out and join Despairing Anonymous (aka Leafs Nation):

MF37 predicts apocalypse for the CBC. With some severely flawed Canadian teams heading to the playoffs the only way there might be any left in the second round is if they pair off in the first round.
Jason finds that being right isn't all it's cracked up to be. The Leafs almost got him.
Loser Domi lightens the mood somewhat with a great find.
Ryan doesn't want anymore middle ground. Lose Thursday night and make it official then play Raycroft.
Eyebeleaf gets into the painful 'what-if' game. All it does is make you remember the team as better than it was and it leads to more pain. Trust me.
Greener sums up that pain of last night's game perfectly for those unfamiliar with the feeling of a kick to the nuts.
Chemmy is ready for the draft! And he now he brightens our day with this gem. Seriously, I am worried. If Mats retires he might be dead to me.