All you need to know about this game:

  1. Bryan McCabe apparently looks like Make-A-Wish Wozniewski since God accidentally smote him in response to my prayers.
  1. McCabe, who was finally playing like a defenceman, will be replaced by Anton Stralman.
  1. Anton will be paired with Andy Wozniewski. This is bad for his confidence.
  1. The Hurricanes have already beaten the Leafs 7-1 this year.
  1. The good news is that my curse-bearing friend will not be in attendance for tonight's game so the Leafs at least have a shot.

I'd put up a rousing motivational speech (6-2) but the shame of the loss Saturday night should be enough to guarantee a much better effort. Of course, The Star tells us that Tlusty has been called up along with Stralman because a flu is ravaging the Leafs' dressing room. Forget McCabe's injury, if the Montreal Canadiens and their fans have taught me anything it's that a simple flu can be responsible for many months of being an absolutely shitty team. Now if the Leafs miss the playoffs I can point to the flu and absolutely believe that that's the reason that the Leafs missed the playoffs.

As always, comments in the appropriate sections, No One Worthy won the player of the game for Saturday's clusterf*ck of a game and Antro won for Friday's game that I wish I had attended. Don't forget your SPG guesses since you'll want to get good at that to win the prizes in the contests that I'll outline tomorrow because I was caught in the storm Sunday and Monday was all about driving.