The Community Vote has been very successful again this year and as the T25 goes on, we'll update you on how the Community Vote marches along. Before we get to the vote itself, there's the honourable mentions to, well, mention.

Look for the official version here:

Top 25 Under 25: Unranked and Honourable Mentions
The group that didn’t quite make it.

A few caveats about how the Community Vote is different to the Official Vote. For the small group of official voters, we must only vote for 25 players, and the votes have to be complete. There's no way to enforce that with the Community Vote software. It's possible, therefore to vote for all 36 options or 25 or 10 or 1.

Given that there's been as many as 400 responses some years – this year it's approximately 185 – I don't manually clean the votes. I don't ever want to choose to get rid of a voter's efforts that aren't complete by some standard. So there is some noise which you'll see illustrated in a moment. The noise disappears in the volume of voters.

However, to keep the tabulation systems the same, all placings after spot 25 or left as N/A are disregarded and the average of votes is weighted the same way as the Official Vote.

The Community Vote is the wisdom of the crowd, and the other version is more opinionated, more radical, because it's only from a few people with fairly similar amounts of information about who they're ranking.

Okay, onto the unranked/honourables/those below 25. From last to almost made it are:

Nathan Mayes

Unranked on the official vote, Mayes had a sprinkle of votes.

Note that spot 34 is where Mayes started out, not an actual choice of the voters. A large chunk of voters just said N/A for Mayes.

Matthew Lahey

Unranked on the Official Vote, Lahey also gets a scatter of votes.

The darker blue bar marks the ranking place.

Sam McCue

An honourable on the Official Vote with four rankings, McCue did better here, but didn't make the cut.

Alexander Plesovskikh

The youngest prospect also got a scatter of votes

Wyatt Schingoethe

Here we are again with the man with the memorable name.

John Fusco

Unranked on the Official Vote, Fusco had some fans but a lot of people who slotted him at N/A or 26.

Timofei Obvintsev

They newest goalie prospect made the Official Vote list.

Semyon Kizimov

The man with the same first name as someone else, got some votes. He was unranked on the official list.

Note that Kizimov started out second on the list as it was sorted by age. This is the best illustration of partial vote noise. That's three votes where he wasn't really moved off his start point. Meanwhile 88 people immediately ranked him N/A. So the noise is meaningless.

Joe Miller

An honourable on the Official Vote has some serious backers. Likely some of them get those jokes about his name.

Michael Koster

Veeti Miettinen

And honourable on the Official Vote gets oh so very close to making it here.

Miettinen's weighted average is 23.14 and the player ranked 25th has 22.83.

The only player missing here who was unranked on the Official list is Braden Kressler, and you'll find out in the first summary post this weekend where he landed.