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The vote is now closed. Watch for the weekend summary posts to stay up to date on how you voted.

It's Community Vote time!

Note: the vote will close on Monday, August 5 at 5 pm.

This year, the format is the same as last year. You can use the form embedded below or this link:

2024 Top 25 Under 25 Community Vote
Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

If you have technical difficulties, don't hit Done on the form, just close it out and try it in a browser window with no ad blockers or other similar extensions active. Once you hit done, you can't go back and do it a second time.

How Do I Open an Incognito/Private Browsing Window?

If you have problems, take the above advice first, and then report the problem clearly in a comment. "It's not working," doesn't count as clear so try to provide some detail on what is going wrong for you.


  • You can either fill in numbers next to each name or drag and drop.
  • If you use the N/A checkbox, it seems like nothing happens, but as soon as you start to drag something, the N/A answers will drop to the bottom automatically – an easy way to reorder the list quickly.
  • The names are in order by age, so if you start at the top, the recently drafted players are at the bottom.
  • You can rank just 25 names or all of the options if you like. When the results are tabulated ranks below 25 are ignored, though.
  • The survey does not give you your answers back, so if you want a record of what you voted, you have to do that before you submit it.
  • The survey accepts 1,000 submissions, which should be enough for everyone who wants to vote.
  • You're going to get scrollbars on mobile with the embedded form. The link above might be more suitable and has a good mobile view.
  • For more information on the players, go to the eligibility list post:
2024 Top 25 Under 25 - Eligibility List
Check out this year’s prospect-heavy list.

The Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

PPP Runs on Your Support

If you enjoy the T25U25 every year, and want to see it continue, please consider becomming a paid subscriber. We want to keep all our content open to all users, but to become a sustainable site, we need more support from paid members.

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