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This week we revealed places 22 through 18 and ran the gamut from the deeply mysterious to an old prospect gone on to a new career.

Official Vote

22 Victor Johansson

2024 T25U25: Victor Johansson is #22
Who is this man of mystery? We have video.

21 William Villeneuve

2024 T25U25: William Villeneuve is #21
Once again, this defense prospect has room to grow.

20 Semyon Der-Arguchintsev

2024 T25U25: Semyon Der-Arguchintsev is #20
Despite leaving North America last season, he’s still cracking the top 20. Is this good for him or bad for the Leafs?

19 Nicholas Moldenhauer

2024 T25U25: Nicholas Moldenhauer is #19
Was last year just a blip for Moldenhauer?

18 Ty Voit

2024 T25U25: Ty Voit is #18
Everything that could have gone wrong for Ty Voit last season, did go wrong. Now he’s hoping to make a comeback and salvage his chances at an NHL career.

Community Vote

22 Semyon Der-Arguchintsev

A very interesting result begins things off at 22.

A very large set of people either ranked Der-Arguchintsev either N/A or right on 25th. And then another large set of people ranked him somewhere in the mid-range. This is exactly the same range of opinions that landed him at 20th above.

21 Vyacheslav Peksa

With Peksa, ranked higher here than on the official vote by a small amount, there's a more normal distribution of opinions and a very strong consensus that he should be ranked. That's fairly unusual in someone this low down on the list.

20 Miroslav Holinka

Even more certainly ranked, the wide range of votes for Holinka put him at spot 20 well below his place on the Official Vote. This marks the first major divergence.

19 Ty Voit

The man who only played six games last year was not ignored by many people and he landed almost in the same place on both votes.

18 Jacob Quillan

This NCAA free agent who is the same age as Roni Hirvonen was a difficult person to rank. His original placing on the player list was 14th, and I think you're seeing him at 15 here as the point at which a lot of people didn't know who to rank, so they just left the guy who'd landed there in about that spot.

For someone who landed at 18th, there are a lot of unranked votes here. You haven't seen where Quillan landed on the Official Vote, but you will next week. Spoiler!

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