Well last week, when I initially figured out how to work DOS Box, I featured one of the best games ever, from 1993 - Scorched Earth.  This week, being sick, afforded me the opportunity to find and play one of my personal favourite games - Mega Lo Mania.  I was only about 8 years old when my brother bought his very first computer - an Amiga.  His first game purchase was Ports of Call (which it seems is now available for the iPhone), quickly followed by Shufflepuck Cafe and Mega Lo Mania.

Now, I've played other games since Mega Lo Mania with a similar concept: fight as a God/Warlord to gain control of the planet.  But none of them have ever been as fun to me as Mega Lo Mania.  I think the difference has to do with how in Mega Lo Mania, you can develop better and better technology to try to win each individual Island.  Of course, when I was a kid, I didn't really care about winning, I just thought it was really cool to see what weapons you could develop as you got into more modern times.  But now I have actually figured out how to win, and with my recent illness have made it to the 5th Epoch (halfway through the game).  I can't wait to get to 2001 and have men with lasers and UFOs, just like in real life! ;)  Anyways, after I finally beat this game, maybe I'll switch over to another classic I played on my brother's Amiga: Where in the World is Carmen San Diego.

If you've had enough of my ramblings about ancient video games, you can read the links below the jump.
(PS: I don't do April Fools day)

  • Time to Say Goodbye: Loser Domi
    Um. Is it time someone here had a talk with Loser Domi?
  • The Drive For Five (non-playoff edition) *
    MLHS takes a look at the likelihood of the Leafs moving up in the Eastern Conference... and moving that 1st round pick the Bruins have down.
  • Wilson fires shots at Kaberle
    Steve Simmons thinks that Wilson and Kaberle do not get along. I'm not sure if that's really the issue - if it is, why wouldn't Kaberle have headed out of town ASAP? - but I do agree with his conclusion - Kaberle's days as a Leaf are numbered.
  • Vintage Leaf Memories keeps growing
    VLM has a bit of a State of the Blog post, with some interesting stuff.
  • Ranking NHL Defensive Units
    Scott Cullen takes a look at each team's defence corps, looking at the top seven for each and using this season's statistical production to rank all 30 teams along the blueline. And colour me surprised at where the Leafs ended up.
  • Letters to the Editor: Crying blue and white
    Check out this letter to the editor of the Hockey News. What advice would you give Jon Reed?
  • Taking the temperature in Toronto
    Ryan Dixon of the Hockey News thinks us Leaf fans should temper our optimism for next year. Someone should introduce this guy to mf37 if he thinks all Leaf fans wear rose-coloured glasses.
  • Snarlyee
    Norman James Sports says that Mike Van Ryn will be on am 980 on Saturday.
  • Ron Wilson’s War
    TSM speculates on Simmons' story, what it means about Tomas Kaberle, and what we can learn about Wilson.

Almost Lunchtime Addition: