Mats Sundin cemented his place as the greatest player to ever don the storied Maple Leaf with a goal to propel him past Darryl Sittler on the franchise's all-time goals and points list. He actually did it twice since he was gifted an assist that the always modest Sundin made sure was returned before he banked a shot in to officially nab both records. It was fitting that he received two standing ovations as he has given so much to the team's cause over the years. He was even named all 3 stars which was a great touch by the much maligned organiztion.

Of course, classy as always, his post-game comments centred not on the records but on giving thanks to the Leafs' for letting him play (as if they shouldn't be thanking their lucky stars) in Toronto all of these years and to the fans for their unflagging support.

Matt Stajan had a huge night with a goal and three assists while Nik Antropov continued his strong play with the opener and a great pass to Stajan on his goal. Alex Steen joined in the Baby Buds' scoring parade with a great individual effort as he blocked a shot at the point and raced in alone on Doobie before deking him out of his pants. Simon 'Not Seemohn' Gamache potted a goal as he looked to cement a place in the lineup. Hell, even Wozniewski scored a goal (you're still in the doghouse Andy). In short, it was the kind of game where every bounce went the Leafs' way. Kind of like a complete reversal of Tuesday Night.

Maybe the TO media should label every game a 'must-win'. So far the Leafs are 2-0 in such games this year. While it's certainly disconcerting to see last year's Jekyll and Hyde routine make an appearance especially during the week when I saw the 7-1 loss in person and then had to watch the 8-1 win on TV. Sort it out boys. I'll send a schedule of games along that I will be attending. I'd appreciate not seeing any more pastings unless they are being dished out.

Speaking of the insane media in Toronto, Bitter wondered if the Chicken Little storylines would continue and his wish was answered as Mats' accomplishment was giving the front page treatment. I'd also like to bring your attention to a new site Cox Bloc named in honour of TO's worst sportswriter it follows in the footsteps of Awful Announcing and Fire Joe Morgan in lampooning the most deserving sportswriters. Cox Bloc only focuses on Toronto which means he regularly nails the banes of my existence Damien Cox and Steve Simmons. Some might call it shooting fish in a barrel. Others might call it a never ending quest. So far I'd call it hilarious. I hope those arrogant, dim-witted twits google themselves and find their way to that site. A quick perusal of the site will go a long way to explaining why Toronto fans can get a little antsy present company included.

From The Other Side of the Glass

You could say the Islanders suffered their traditional hangover after beating the Rangers. You could say their uninspired play was because of their fifth game in seven days. You could say the absence of goaltender Rick DiPietro made a big difference. You couldn't miss two egregious defensive breakdowns by Marc-Andre Bergeron that hung backup goaltender Wade Dubielewicz out to dry. And oh yeah, the Islanders have yet to get much offense from anyone but the top line and the power play.